:( or :) ?
Well, I'm confused. But it's okay.
Yes, I'm leaving Blogger. But 'course not blogging. I'm shifting to WP (Wordpress), much thanx to Shaarique Bhaiyya, who has been sweet enough to host me. For those who do not know him, let me tell you, he's always been an angel with a golden heart. ;)
Blogger has been my first love, rather, addiction. It's great in all the ways, but sometimes you need a change, and that's what I'm getting. I'm satisfied in all ways with Blogger (Kudos!) .
So then Bye...cya at the other end. :) <-- my new residence :)
Any other hecky stuff, contact me.
Lady da Vinci

- Aparajita Paul
- She may be the song that summer sings, may be the chill that autumn brings, may be a hundred different things. Within the measure of a day
- Clubs (1)
- Friends (1)
- Love (1)
- Singlehood (1)
personal suns
Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
<-- Back and Bugging!! --> ;)
I’m obliged to many of you, who kept visiting, revisiting and perhaps re-revisiting Elektric Heart© ( while I was gone...or rather as I want to call it, taken a sabbatical leave from blogosphere :)). I don’t wanna say I was busy, or I had nothing to seethe and blather about, or that I didn’t have a net connection, or that I was bored to tears...:D No. Because then I’d be lying...maybe not to you, but to myself. Yeah. See? How shinshere I am?
So let me tell you why I wasn’t blogging.
First, my parents. Thanks to the abundant charming little tales coming out in the dailies repeatedly about ‘weblogs’. Woman getting fired off her job because she wrote something against her boss. Girl ranting about her exquisiteness. Terrorists exchanging their foul stinking ideas through blogging. Man...uh...the list is endless. So, my parents decided there’s no more blogging for me. I don't really blame them... But right now, mercifully, the editorials, journalists and the media have moved on to better greener meadows and for the moment left us bloggers alone...and so I’m back...YAY! Everyone have a virtual cybereat (cyber treat) from me! Here You Go!
Then...the immeasurable enrapturing hypnotizing world of orkut :D. Now, I’ve again been doing rounds of blogosphere and I’ve seen how corny and clichéd this topic has become...everyone writing about his/her experience in orkut...about how dead some scraps are (wanna be f.r.e.n.z.?) and coming up with newer and more newer versions of orkut account hacking schemes, tips and guidelines :D. (Cheerios!) Again, many people mull over it as an ultimate time slayer :) and well, I’m one of them. But the untoward thing is that although I concede the fact orkut has, unfortunately, um...rather...ironitically (is that a word?) been one of my prime infatuations in the last few weeks. Damn it.
I’d been so entranced with this entire bloody orkut that seemingly it has affected my percentage, to be precise (yes, I’ve been reading Sherlock Holmes) but thankfully not my rank as the others have done equally rotten :DD YAYY! I was in luck...and ohh, so there’s another cybereat for you!
Anyway, this is my orkut. You can add me as a friend or just shut out...whatever...
I’m preventing myself from any further exposition on my exams...a typical person typically shuns talking about cataclysms.
More, I recently discovered AHH! What a wonderful site! I know, I know, many of you are now ridiculing me that how much late I came to know of this site, but I couldn’t care less...I’ll discover the Web for myself and by myself. (And why leave of myself?)
Nearer home, Raunaq, who is now 1 and a half year old still can’t talk...doesn’t even say ‘didi’ or ‘baba’ just ‘ma’. Bassss. Aur kuch nahin...amma is very tensed about it and I think there’s a plan of taking him to a speech psychoanalyst next week. :((
My friends tell me that baby boys learn to speak a bit belated than do baby girls (who in turn are a tad late for walking, running :)) Boy!). And I’ve been telling this to amma for ages but she won’t listen.
Shreetama kakima has been reassuring her that her son, Sparrsh, learned to speak when he was 2 and a half...but she continues to be vexed for life!!
Guess what? I’m living on Maggi and 7-Up from yesterday :DD. The thing is that of late I’ve taught myself to cook Maggi and now whenever I get a chance I go make some Maggi. As it is, I’m very fond of it, but now that I’ve the autonomy to make a Maggi myself, I’m addicted ^^. (Bad, bad girl!). And for 7-Up, my dad got a big bottle of it yesterday and I won’t be satisfied till I finish it off (with a little help from Raunaq, who’s equally fixated :D). Mere saath rahna ka phal. :D. As for me, I really can make no discrepancy between Sprite and 7-Up and Mountain Dew (umm...this one I can I think, it’s a little yellowish).
Er...alright. That’s it from my desk :P. Tata. Ciao. Adieus. C u l. Umm...OK, my vocab is catastrophic and will take you to tears. :DD.
And if you are in the illusion that I'm working hard on're alas mistaken.
I don’t intend to change...:P. Say whatever you can. I said whatever I can...or is it could?
Damn it.
So let me tell you why I wasn’t blogging.
First, my parents. Thanks to the abundant charming little tales coming out in the dailies repeatedly about ‘weblogs’. Woman getting fired off her job because she wrote something against her boss. Girl ranting about her exquisiteness. Terrorists exchanging their foul stinking ideas through blogging. Man...uh...the list is endless. So, my parents decided there’s no more blogging for me. I don't really blame them... But right now, mercifully, the editorials, journalists and the media have moved on to better greener meadows and for the moment left us bloggers alone...and so I’m back...YAY! Everyone have a virtual cybereat (cyber treat) from me! Here You Go!
Then...the immeasurable enrapturing hypnotizing world of orkut :D. Now, I’ve again been doing rounds of blogosphere and I’ve seen how corny and clichéd this topic has become...everyone writing about his/her experience in orkut...about how dead some scraps are (wanna be f.r.e.n.z.?) and coming up with newer and more newer versions of orkut account hacking schemes, tips and guidelines :D. (Cheerios!) Again, many people mull over it as an ultimate time slayer :) and well, I’m one of them. But the untoward thing is that although I concede the fact orkut has, unfortunately, um...rather...ironitically (is that a word?) been one of my prime infatuations in the last few weeks. Damn it.
I’d been so entranced with this entire bloody orkut that seemingly it has affected my percentage, to be precise (yes, I’ve been reading Sherlock Holmes) but thankfully not my rank as the others have done equally rotten :DD YAYY! I was in luck...and ohh, so there’s another cybereat for you!
Anyway, this is my orkut. You can add me as a friend or just shut out...whatever...
I’m preventing myself from any further exposition on my exams...a typical person typically shuns talking about cataclysms.
More, I recently discovered AHH! What a wonderful site! I know, I know, many of you are now ridiculing me that how much late I came to know of this site, but I couldn’t care less...I’ll discover the Web for myself and by myself. (And why leave of myself?)
Nearer home, Raunaq, who is now 1 and a half year old still can’t talk...doesn’t even say ‘didi’ or ‘baba’ just ‘ma’. Bassss. Aur kuch nahin...amma is very tensed about it and I think there’s a plan of taking him to a speech psychoanalyst next week. :((
My friends tell me that baby boys learn to speak a bit belated than do baby girls (who in turn are a tad late for walking, running :)) Boy!). And I’ve been telling this to amma for ages but she won’t listen.
Shreetama kakima has been reassuring her that her son, Sparrsh, learned to speak when he was 2 and a half...but she continues to be vexed for life!!
Guess what? I’m living on Maggi and 7-Up from yesterday :DD. The thing is that of late I’ve taught myself to cook Maggi and now whenever I get a chance I go make some Maggi. As it is, I’m very fond of it, but now that I’ve the autonomy to make a Maggi myself, I’m addicted ^^. (Bad, bad girl!). And for 7-Up, my dad got a big bottle of it yesterday and I won’t be satisfied till I finish it off (with a little help from Raunaq, who’s equally fixated :D). Mere saath rahna ka phal. :D. As for me, I really can make no discrepancy between Sprite and 7-Up and Mountain Dew (umm...this one I can I think, it’s a little yellowish).
Er...alright. That’s it from my desk :P. Tata. Ciao. Adieus. C u l. Umm...OK, my vocab is catastrophic and will take you to tears. :DD.
And if you are in the illusion that I'm working hard on're alas mistaken.
I don’t intend to change...:P. Say whatever you can. I said whatever I can...or is it could?
Damn it.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Beauty and The Teen
"I'm so ugly!"
"My freckles are terrible."
"I'm fat and to lose weight, I barely eat anything anymore."
"Why couldn't I just have been born beautiful?"
"I hate to go to school because I have to show my face to my friends."
These are the words of teenagers.
I see kids playing in the playground... Happy five-to-six-year-old children... laughing, giggling, smiling, sharing, bickering, enjoying... splashing in mud puddles, making sand castles, driving fantasy race cars... Oh if only everyone could be that happy and natural.
I see teenagers... examining themselves closely in the mirror, worrying that there is something wrong with the way they look... comparing themselves to their friends.
I see teenagers... dour, walking with their heads down so no one could see... hiding themselves... skipping meals... admiring pictures of supermodels that are splashed everywhere, wishing to look like them... closing up in their rooms... crying...
I'm sitting here, in front of my computer screen - just another teenager, sometimes having those same mind-sets - wondering... What happened? There has got to be something wrong... somewhere...
Why are little children so well-liked, why is it good to be a child at heart, why is it so that children seem the happiest with themselves, having no worries, being naive and genuine and not afraid to be themselves? Of course, a big part of it is just that they don't have to face the worrying yet - they could not do it and that is why their parents are there, to let them be kids. But still, most of it is in their "child's heart". They do not think about things like "appearances" and "model-bodies" and "looking good". They are accepted, because as young children, they are exposing to the world their true selves, never feigning or pretending. They are just, purely yet so prudently, being themselves, without even thinking about it. Don’t you wish to be among them?
When we grow older, we start to assemble around ourselves something that I like to call "layers", that are prejudiced and casted by the world outside us. When we are not small children anymore, we no more see the world from a small child's viewpoint where the axis of everything is just "feeling good". What is becoming more and more important to us when we begin to grow up is how we look like in the eyes of others, and what others may think about us. It is normal to start looking at the world and ourselves in a different way, as it is part of the growth - when we mature, we change.
But maybe we change just a little too much. I don't know why that happens - maybe the world around us has changed and is now moulding our layers too radically. But, when we find that we are no more happy, we, no matter what the reason, should realize that the change indeed was too deep-seated. And we need to go back. We should look under those layers, and bring to facade that little child inside us, the one that was blissful, without worries. And then we should have a talk with the child within us and learn from it. Learn a new way to look at our manifestation. One that is maybe not completely the "me-centered" way of a young child, but definitely not the "I-look-terrible" way either. A fresh system, something in between.
Everyone should do this... because, for some reason, almost no one is satisfied with the way she or he looks. And it really isn't the outside that needs change, but the way we look at ourselves. In this way, almost everyone is "conceited". Everyone is only focusing on how they look themselves, noticing so many things wrong with themselves. And when everyone is doing that, there should be nothing to worry about, since no one else will notice how you look, anyway. Appearances don't mean anything in life... The way you look is something you were born with, but it doesn't tell anything about the real you. We are so hard on ourselves when we look in the mirror, thinking everything looks off beam and gross...
But it doesn't. Have an easy smile on your face, and it lights up your whole reflection. Everyone is beautiful when they learn to be kind to themselves... Everyone who smiles is beautiful.... Everyone who gives a hug is beautiful... Everyone who loves is so beautiful that it can't be put into words.
Obsession with self-image is a terrible weakness. It makes one look at oneself instead of at the crisis. Exterior show is a meager proxy for inner merit. It’s a true fact that most of us work harder to seem happy that in actually requires for being happy. We try to debug our image rather that our selves. But we live in a world of pseudo-events, celebrities, dissolving forms and faint but overwhelming images, we mistake our shadows for our selves which seem more genuine than reality. We clutch at shadows as if they were matters, and slumber deepest while fancying ourselves most awake. It’s a million times better to emerge untrue before the world than to be untrue to us. Remember everything that glitters isn’t gold? Well, believe it or not, but it’s very proper. Many a rosy apple is putrid to the core. The world may seem to be better off than you…but things aren’t what they seem; or to be more precise, they aren’t only what they seem, but very much else besides. Trust me, don’t appear to others what you’re not. Remember God doesn’t judge us by our looks…they judge us by our heart.
Things are beautiful if you love them. In fact, everything is beautiful in this world…except what we ourselves think and do when we overlook the higher rationales of life and our own human decorum. According to Kahlil Gibran, beauty is when life unveils its holy face. It’s simply in the eye of beholder. Don’t try to be the person who only looks beautiful but are actually not. You know, some things are more beautiful when they’re left flawed than when too highly finished. An approach of demeanor, a standard of restraint, resilience and veracity can do wonders to make you beautiful. Beauty is the blossom of virtue, ethical element and desirable qualities. It doesn’t only address itself to sight, but also to hearing. Certain mishmash of words, music, melody, cadence, rhythms and harmony are much more than just beautiful. Minds that boost themselves above the sphere of sagacity to a higher order are sentient of beauty in the conduct of existence, in events, in characters, in the chase of the intelligence.
You know what this teenager, who has those same unhappy thoughts about her sometimes too, does now? She gets up from her chair... and she looks in her mirror. After staring at her mirror image for a minute - and who knows, maybe talking with that little child inside her… she finally gives in. She sighs and, tentatively at first but with more and more poise every jiffy, she lets a big smile stretch across her face. A fantastic heart makes a fantastic face…yeah?
Much better.
"My freckles are terrible."
"I'm fat and to lose weight, I barely eat anything anymore."
"Why couldn't I just have been born beautiful?"
"I hate to go to school because I have to show my face to my friends."
These are the words of teenagers.
I see kids playing in the playground... Happy five-to-six-year-old children... laughing, giggling, smiling, sharing, bickering, enjoying... splashing in mud puddles, making sand castles, driving fantasy race cars... Oh if only everyone could be that happy and natural.
I see teenagers... examining themselves closely in the mirror, worrying that there is something wrong with the way they look... comparing themselves to their friends.
I see teenagers... dour, walking with their heads down so no one could see... hiding themselves... skipping meals... admiring pictures of supermodels that are splashed everywhere, wishing to look like them... closing up in their rooms... crying...
I'm sitting here, in front of my computer screen - just another teenager, sometimes having those same mind-sets - wondering... What happened? There has got to be something wrong... somewhere...
Why are little children so well-liked, why is it good to be a child at heart, why is it so that children seem the happiest with themselves, having no worries, being naive and genuine and not afraid to be themselves? Of course, a big part of it is just that they don't have to face the worrying yet - they could not do it and that is why their parents are there, to let them be kids. But still, most of it is in their "child's heart". They do not think about things like "appearances" and "model-bodies" and "looking good". They are accepted, because as young children, they are exposing to the world their true selves, never feigning or pretending. They are just, purely yet so prudently, being themselves, without even thinking about it. Don’t you wish to be among them?
When we grow older, we start to assemble around ourselves something that I like to call "layers", that are prejudiced and casted by the world outside us. When we are not small children anymore, we no more see the world from a small child's viewpoint where the axis of everything is just "feeling good". What is becoming more and more important to us when we begin to grow up is how we look like in the eyes of others, and what others may think about us. It is normal to start looking at the world and ourselves in a different way, as it is part of the growth - when we mature, we change.
But maybe we change just a little too much. I don't know why that happens - maybe the world around us has changed and is now moulding our layers too radically. But, when we find that we are no more happy, we, no matter what the reason, should realize that the change indeed was too deep-seated. And we need to go back. We should look under those layers, and bring to facade that little child inside us, the one that was blissful, without worries. And then we should have a talk with the child within us and learn from it. Learn a new way to look at our manifestation. One that is maybe not completely the "me-centered" way of a young child, but definitely not the "I-look-terrible" way either. A fresh system, something in between.
Everyone should do this... because, for some reason, almost no one is satisfied with the way she or he looks. And it really isn't the outside that needs change, but the way we look at ourselves. In this way, almost everyone is "conceited". Everyone is only focusing on how they look themselves, noticing so many things wrong with themselves. And when everyone is doing that, there should be nothing to worry about, since no one else will notice how you look, anyway. Appearances don't mean anything in life... The way you look is something you were born with, but it doesn't tell anything about the real you. We are so hard on ourselves when we look in the mirror, thinking everything looks off beam and gross...
But it doesn't. Have an easy smile on your face, and it lights up your whole reflection. Everyone is beautiful when they learn to be kind to themselves... Everyone who smiles is beautiful.... Everyone who gives a hug is beautiful... Everyone who loves is so beautiful that it can't be put into words.
Obsession with self-image is a terrible weakness. It makes one look at oneself instead of at the crisis. Exterior show is a meager proxy for inner merit. It’s a true fact that most of us work harder to seem happy that in actually requires for being happy. We try to debug our image rather that our selves. But we live in a world of pseudo-events, celebrities, dissolving forms and faint but overwhelming images, we mistake our shadows for our selves which seem more genuine than reality. We clutch at shadows as if they were matters, and slumber deepest while fancying ourselves most awake. It’s a million times better to emerge untrue before the world than to be untrue to us. Remember everything that glitters isn’t gold? Well, believe it or not, but it’s very proper. Many a rosy apple is putrid to the core. The world may seem to be better off than you…but things aren’t what they seem; or to be more precise, they aren’t only what they seem, but very much else besides. Trust me, don’t appear to others what you’re not. Remember God doesn’t judge us by our looks…they judge us by our heart.
Things are beautiful if you love them. In fact, everything is beautiful in this world…except what we ourselves think and do when we overlook the higher rationales of life and our own human decorum. According to Kahlil Gibran, beauty is when life unveils its holy face. It’s simply in the eye of beholder. Don’t try to be the person who only looks beautiful but are actually not. You know, some things are more beautiful when they’re left flawed than when too highly finished. An approach of demeanor, a standard of restraint, resilience and veracity can do wonders to make you beautiful. Beauty is the blossom of virtue, ethical element and desirable qualities. It doesn’t only address itself to sight, but also to hearing. Certain mishmash of words, music, melody, cadence, rhythms and harmony are much more than just beautiful. Minds that boost themselves above the sphere of sagacity to a higher order are sentient of beauty in the conduct of existence, in events, in characters, in the chase of the intelligence.
You know what this teenager, who has those same unhappy thoughts about her sometimes too, does now? She gets up from her chair... and she looks in her mirror. After staring at her mirror image for a minute - and who knows, maybe talking with that little child inside her… she finally gives in. She sighs and, tentatively at first but with more and more poise every jiffy, she lets a big smile stretch across her face. A fantastic heart makes a fantastic face…yeah?
Much better.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Few questions...
The link I was searching for my article is this. Click Click!
Now for some thoughtful questions...
Now for some thoughtful questions...
- If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?
- Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them?
- Can you make a candle out of your earwax?
- Aren't the 'good things that come to those who wait' just the leftovers from the people that got there first?
- Can it be cloudy and foggy at the same time?
- "Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment? Since when are buttons cute?
- Are marbles made of marble?
- If you pay for a vacation and your plane crashes on the way there, do you get you money back? (Granted you lived)
- Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?
- Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?
- Isn't Disney World just a people trap operated by a mouse?
- If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
- Can you get cornered in a round room?
- Why don't the hairs on your arms get split ends?
- If an atheist has to go to court, do they make him swear on the Bible?
- How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?
- Why are people so scared of mice, yet we all love Mickey Mouse?
- Wouldn't it be smart to make the sticky stuff on envelopes taste like chocolate?
- "Have you ever noticed that if you rearranged the letters in mother in law, they come out to Woman Hitler?"
- Isn't it funny how the word 'politics' is made up of the words 'poli' meaning 'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures’?
- Why is it that when things get wet they get darker, even though water is clear??
- Can mute people burp?
- Why isn't chocolate considered a vegetable, if chocolate comes from cocoa beans, and all beans are a vegetable?
- Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
- Why do companies offer you "free gifts?" Since when has a gift NOT been free?If something "goes without saying," why do people still say it?
Answer them...please!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
On Paolini and Seth
Yesterday, I was really “over the moon”. And why not? My Book Review on Eragon (Inheritance Trilogy) by Christopher Paolini got published yesterday (Friday, July 28, 2006) in The Telegraph. And no it’s not TeleKids, which if you remember comes out in Thursday. It’s in the proper main pages of “Metro/Jharkhand”, which comes somewhere in between the entire paper. Parents are all ears…heh, heh. Let me see if I can get an online link to it.
I’m really ecstatic!
I got A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth from School Library, yesterday. It’s like real thick…a novel, after all. But I’m skipping many ineffectual pages…mainly dealing with politics; the other pages dealing about the Mehra family are pretty amusing, I must say.
Those of you’ve read the book, I’m sure you must’ve come across the personality of Kabir. Know what? I really liked that boy, and honestly wished that Lata would wed him…but I was really appalled and saddened by the fact that he turned out to be so unfaithful to her. Really disgraceful (and heartrending to me), as now that it comes to it, even I’d started to love him a lot…but life goes on, and I was clearly surprised by the way Lata overcame Kabir, got involved with Haresh and all…I could never have done that…I just know it…I’d have died out of heartache and angst…
Other characters of Meenakshi, Kuku, and you know the Chatterjis were OK. But I’d have wanted Seth to display better Bengalis (being one of them myself).
Maan. Hehe. Funny boy. I liked his first description but as he became more and more obsessed with that whore, Saeeda Bai or Begum whatever, I didn’t really maintain my likeliness for him.
Pran and Savita were soooo sweet! And the baby Uma too!
About Lata…sometimes I identified myself with her; sometimes I thought she was very unworkable for me. Whatever she was, I think she was this really inhibited girl, but vivacious when with friends…more or less like me…
I’m really ecstatic!
I got A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth from School Library, yesterday. It’s like real thick…a novel, after all. But I’m skipping many ineffectual pages…mainly dealing with politics; the other pages dealing about the Mehra family are pretty amusing, I must say.
Those of you’ve read the book, I’m sure you must’ve come across the personality of Kabir. Know what? I really liked that boy, and honestly wished that Lata would wed him…but I was really appalled and saddened by the fact that he turned out to be so unfaithful to her. Really disgraceful (and heartrending to me), as now that it comes to it, even I’d started to love him a lot…but life goes on, and I was clearly surprised by the way Lata overcame Kabir, got involved with Haresh and all…I could never have done that…I just know it…I’d have died out of heartache and angst…
Other characters of Meenakshi, Kuku, and you know the Chatterjis were OK. But I’d have wanted Seth to display better Bengalis (being one of them myself).
Maan. Hehe. Funny boy. I liked his first description but as he became more and more obsessed with that whore, Saeeda Bai or Begum whatever, I didn’t really maintain my likeliness for him.
Pran and Savita were soooo sweet! And the baby Uma too!
About Lata…sometimes I identified myself with her; sometimes I thought she was very unworkable for me. Whatever she was, I think she was this really inhibited girl, but vivacious when with friends…more or less like me…
Saturday, July 22, 2006
DPS Democracy Zindabad (??)
Hi guys, I’ve got something real new for you people today.
DPS, Bokaro is now a proud (read: swollen with pride) egalitarian school. And I mean IT! You know voting and all?
Yup. This time our school had the voting system for the first time in our school’s history of selecting (read: electing) the appointees. That is to say, we, the students, voted for our favorite candidates who stood up for the election to be Head Boy/Girl, Vice Head Boy/Girl, Cultural/Literary/Sport Secretary. And man, it was real cool. The most fun part was the campaigning of the candidates and the school being literally painted in different flamboyantly and luminously colored posters of campaigning and promotion. Real nice change.
“Please vote for me, baccho!” One of the didis came to our class. “Dekho, ok, main ga nahin sakti, dance nahin kar sakti…par haan, I can draw and paint and I was the leader for the Child Rights for the past two years…besides…I’m beautiful!”
Uh huh.
“Oh, Praveen…tun yahan?” A bhaiyya nominee asked as he entered our class to make us hear his pleads (we’ve been hearing it all the time from all of them…Praveen is one of my classmate).
“Arre, Vikram? Kyaa campaigning? Oh, yeh toh mera class hai.”
“Tera!? Wow…sun, iss class se saara vote mujhko milni chaahiye…thick hain nan?”
“Befikr. Ay, inko vote karna…Vikram, Sports Secretary.”
After all, Praveen is the don of our class…**shudders**
“Vote for Ankita!!!!” a didi came up, “ A for adorable, n for naughty, k for um…(I really thought it was going to be “Kiss”, but thankfully…someone for the back sniggered ‘ketchup’ and someone else ‘killer’ yo, she was this pretty) kind, I for Ingenius, T for talkative and again a for alluring…please, please!”
She’s nice you know…not bad girl. Moreover I didn’t know most of the people who were competing for the post of Cultural Secretary, so I went for her – most of the school went for her…you know, I was just thinking, looks do help you somewhere…alas!
“I always speak in English,” Sumit bhaiyya spoke up, and I looked up. Yo, I like Always English Speaking Students (AESS – EEEEE is there…it’s not ASS, although, regretfully, some people green with envy have converted it into that form…**sobs**). “I promise to be more of a friend! Everything we’ll discuss…although I’ll be a head boy, I’ll just be like any other student, there to help you out whatever it maybe.”
I voted for him…**blushes**
“Whatever you do, please don’t bring out Indian democracy over here. That is, corruption. OK, what choice you make here won’t really matter…but trust me, by the time you’re 18 and ready to vote you’ll automatically make sure that you go for the right one.” That was Rakhi, presently vice head girl going for head girl.
Actually, DPS is already fraudulent and crooked from the beginning…and when the corruption or sleaze thing is so chic in the entire India, who can thwart it from coming in our school. I don’t really believe this stuff will work out, honestly speaking…more so, I’m pretty much sure that the selection committee already have the winners selected out…this voting stuff is just a major show off and a bragger to other adversary rival schools…damn it.
Anyway, we’re going off beam.
One of the didis started singing some song I’ve never heard in my life (maybe she’d made it on her own, whatever), “Come to me”…cheap! Despicable! Go to some bar and dance, baby, you’ll get some bucks and make a life…provided the “Indian Gov” allows to dance at bars after what was it 8 pm? Never mind, you sang here at 9 am! Plenty of time, honey.
One of my fave didi, Anshika, for whom I voted for as Head Girl, said the popular and famous dialogue from “Main Hoon Na”…she’s a fetish for it actually, you’ll always find her brimming with movie dialogues showeing from her mouth at the right place and at the right time…you know, I really like her! She’s got all smarts, a modish way of doing everything, she’s sporty, I guess she can do a bit of singing, and what’s most essential, she’s topper in her batch…all rounder! Go girl! I really really wish you be the Head Girl…I’ll pray for you in my prayers to Christ at night!
One of the didi (I know her personally) had a ruthless cough and cold on her campaigning day…still she went about doing it sincerely and above all, with simple reticence…I really felt sympathetic towards her and yes, you guessed it…I voted for her as the Literary Secretary.
For Vice Head Boy, I went for looks and the name. **winks** He’s this real good looking chap, a fab singer, and his name’s Rounaq…my bro’s name…haha…I’m starting to think all Raunaqs are cool.
V H Girl…well, I’ve to say none of the nominees were good…cut off the “Come to me” singer, there was that cheap boyfriend-changing-like-weather girl, and most of the other too un-famous…like I never had heard about them…so I went for the nominee from my house, Ganga, Navendu. She’s nice. I think so.
All over…oh, I almost forgot…what about Sports Secretary? **smiles** I went for Vikram…Vikram, Sports Secretary.
DPS, Bokaro is now a proud (read: swollen with pride) egalitarian school. And I mean IT! You know voting and all?
Yup. This time our school had the voting system for the first time in our school’s history of selecting (read: electing) the appointees. That is to say, we, the students, voted for our favorite candidates who stood up for the election to be Head Boy/Girl, Vice Head Boy/Girl, Cultural/Literary/Sport Secretary. And man, it was real cool. The most fun part was the campaigning of the candidates and the school being literally painted in different flamboyantly and luminously colored posters of campaigning and promotion. Real nice change.
“Please vote for me, baccho!” One of the didis came to our class. “Dekho, ok, main ga nahin sakti, dance nahin kar sakti…par haan, I can draw and paint and I was the leader for the Child Rights for the past two years…besides…I’m beautiful!”
Uh huh.
“Oh, Praveen…tun yahan?” A bhaiyya nominee asked as he entered our class to make us hear his pleads (we’ve been hearing it all the time from all of them…Praveen is one of my classmate).
“Arre, Vikram? Kyaa campaigning? Oh, yeh toh mera class hai.”
“Tera!? Wow…sun, iss class se saara vote mujhko milni chaahiye…thick hain nan?”
“Befikr. Ay, inko vote karna…Vikram, Sports Secretary.”
After all, Praveen is the don of our class…**shudders**
“Vote for Ankita!!!!” a didi came up, “ A for adorable, n for naughty, k for um…(I really thought it was going to be “Kiss”, but thankfully…someone for the back sniggered ‘ketchup’ and someone else ‘killer’ yo, she was this pretty) kind, I for Ingenius, T for talkative and again a for alluring…please, please!”
She’s nice you know…not bad girl. Moreover I didn’t know most of the people who were competing for the post of Cultural Secretary, so I went for her – most of the school went for her…you know, I was just thinking, looks do help you somewhere…alas!
“I always speak in English,” Sumit bhaiyya spoke up, and I looked up. Yo, I like Always English Speaking Students (AESS – EEEEE is there…it’s not ASS, although, regretfully, some people green with envy have converted it into that form…**sobs**). “I promise to be more of a friend! Everything we’ll discuss…although I’ll be a head boy, I’ll just be like any other student, there to help you out whatever it maybe.”
I voted for him…**blushes**
“Whatever you do, please don’t bring out Indian democracy over here. That is, corruption. OK, what choice you make here won’t really matter…but trust me, by the time you’re 18 and ready to vote you’ll automatically make sure that you go for the right one.” That was Rakhi, presently vice head girl going for head girl.
Actually, DPS is already fraudulent and crooked from the beginning…and when the corruption or sleaze thing is so chic in the entire India, who can thwart it from coming in our school. I don’t really believe this stuff will work out, honestly speaking…more so, I’m pretty much sure that the selection committee already have the winners selected out…this voting stuff is just a major show off and a bragger to other adversary rival schools…damn it.
Anyway, we’re going off beam.
One of the didis started singing some song I’ve never heard in my life (maybe she’d made it on her own, whatever), “Come to me”…cheap! Despicable! Go to some bar and dance, baby, you’ll get some bucks and make a life…provided the “Indian Gov” allows to dance at bars after what was it 8 pm? Never mind, you sang here at 9 am! Plenty of time, honey.
One of my fave didi, Anshika, for whom I voted for as Head Girl, said the popular and famous dialogue from “Main Hoon Na”…she’s a fetish for it actually, you’ll always find her brimming with movie dialogues showeing from her mouth at the right place and at the right time…you know, I really like her! She’s got all smarts, a modish way of doing everything, she’s sporty, I guess she can do a bit of singing, and what’s most essential, she’s topper in her batch…all rounder! Go girl! I really really wish you be the Head Girl…I’ll pray for you in my prayers to Christ at night!
One of the didi (I know her personally) had a ruthless cough and cold on her campaigning day…still she went about doing it sincerely and above all, with simple reticence…I really felt sympathetic towards her and yes, you guessed it…I voted for her as the Literary Secretary.
For Vice Head Boy, I went for looks and the name. **winks** He’s this real good looking chap, a fab singer, and his name’s Rounaq…my bro’s name…haha…I’m starting to think all Raunaqs are cool.
V H Girl…well, I’ve to say none of the nominees were good…cut off the “Come to me” singer, there was that cheap boyfriend-changing-like-weather girl, and most of the other too un-famous…like I never had heard about them…so I went for the nominee from my house, Ganga, Navendu. She’s nice. I think so.
All over…oh, I almost forgot…what about Sports Secretary? **smiles** I went for Vikram…Vikram, Sports Secretary.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Elektric-Heart Mapled Version 2
OK guys.
Now this is a real quick posting. This is my new layout of Elektric Heart. The comments (Wish Upon a Star) is curently not functioning! *Bangs Head On Keyboard* I'm real sorry for the trouble, but if you've got something to say please do so in my tagboard and you'll be heard.
Last night, whoever tried to open this site would've faced a blank white page with lots of html coding...bad, isn't it? But this is at least better. I don;t intend to keep this layout for long...don't like it a hell lot...there'll be something different and easier to move through next time, hopefully!
Any other tech problems, please contact.
P.S. It's working! YAY! I'm sooo hyper happy! Got it from Haloscan. Too much thankful to them! Toooo much!
Now this is a real quick posting. This is my new layout of Elektric Heart. The comments (Wish Upon a Star) is curently not functioning! *Bangs Head On Keyboard* I'm real sorry for the trouble, but if you've got something to say please do so in my tagboard and you'll be heard.
Last night, whoever tried to open this site would've faced a blank white page with lots of html coding...bad, isn't it? But this is at least better. I don;t intend to keep this layout for long...don't like it a hell lot...there'll be something different and easier to move through next time, hopefully!
Any other tech problems, please contact.
P.S. It's working! YAY! I'm sooo hyper happy! Got it from Haloscan. Too much thankful to them! Toooo much!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
My Senses Are All Backwards!
My senses all are backwards
and it really makes me wonder
if on the day that I was born
somebody made a blunder.
For, strange but true, my senses
all got totally reversed.
Now everything I like the best
is what you'd call the worst.
I only like the smell of things
that frighten other noses.
I love the odor of a skunk.
I hate the smell of roses.
I only like the taste of foods
that cause most folks to shiver.
I hate the taste of chocolate.
I'm crazy over liver.
I'm not too fond of music
but there's simply no denying
I like the sound of honking horns
and little babies crying.
I hate the feel of silky, velvet
softness on my skin.
I much prefer the way it feels
when sitting on a pin.
I hate the look of anything
that's really cute and snuggly.
The things I think are pretty
are what most consider ugly.
So let me tell you one more thing
before I have to go:
I think YOU are the most attractive
person that I know.
(C) Sierrah aka Infektia...
and it really makes me wonder
if on the day that I was born
somebody made a blunder.
For, strange but true, my senses
all got totally reversed.
Now everything I like the best
is what you'd call the worst.
I only like the smell of things
that frighten other noses.
I love the odor of a skunk.
I hate the smell of roses.
I only like the taste of foods
that cause most folks to shiver.
I hate the taste of chocolate.
I'm crazy over liver.
I'm not too fond of music
but there's simply no denying
I like the sound of honking horns
and little babies crying.
I hate the feel of silky, velvet
softness on my skin.
I much prefer the way it feels
when sitting on a pin.
I hate the look of anything
that's really cute and snuggly.
The things I think are pretty
are what most consider ugly.
So let me tell you one more thing
before I have to go:
I think YOU are the most attractive
person that I know.
(C) Sierrah aka Infektia...
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Cinderella Version:2
Poor Cinderella, whose stepmom was mean,
could never see films rated PG-13.
She hadn't a cell phone and no DVD,
no notebook computer or plasma TV.
She wasn't allowed to play video games.
The tags on her clothes had unfashionable names.
Her shoes were not trendy enough to be cool.
No limousine chauffeur would drive her to school.
Her house had no drawing room; only a den.
Her bedtime, poor darling, was quarter past ten!
Well one day Prince Charming declared that a ball
would be held in his honor and maidens from all
over the kingdom were welcome to come
and party to techno and jungle house drum.
But Poor Cinderella, with nothing to wear,
collapsed in her stepmother's La-Z-Boy chair.
She let out a sigh, with a lump in her throat,
then sniffled and picked up the TV remote.
She surfed channel zero to channel one-ten
then went back to zero and started again.
She watched music videos, sitcoms and sports,
commercials and talkshows and weather reports.
But no fairy godmother came to her side
to offer a dress or a carriage to ride.
So Poor Cinderella's been sitting there since,
while one of her stepsisters married the Prince.
She sits there and sadly complains to the screen,
if only her stepmother wasn't so mean.
(C) Sierrah Caitleyn Destinie aka Infektia.
could never see films rated PG-13.
She hadn't a cell phone and no DVD,
no notebook computer or plasma TV.
She wasn't allowed to play video games.
The tags on her clothes had unfashionable names.
Her shoes were not trendy enough to be cool.
No limousine chauffeur would drive her to school.
Her house had no drawing room; only a den.
Her bedtime, poor darling, was quarter past ten!
Well one day Prince Charming declared that a ball
would be held in his honor and maidens from all
over the kingdom were welcome to come
and party to techno and jungle house drum.
But Poor Cinderella, with nothing to wear,
collapsed in her stepmother's La-Z-Boy chair.
She let out a sigh, with a lump in her throat,
then sniffled and picked up the TV remote.
She surfed channel zero to channel one-ten
then went back to zero and started again.
She watched music videos, sitcoms and sports,
commercials and talkshows and weather reports.
But no fairy godmother came to her side
to offer a dress or a carriage to ride.
So Poor Cinderella's been sitting there since,
while one of her stepsisters married the Prince.
She sits there and sadly complains to the screen,
if only her stepmother wasn't so mean.
(C) Sierrah Caitleyn Destinie aka Infektia.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Not Yet A Soccer Princess!
- 5 am: Alright, Rei. That’s it…wake up! Chalo, uttho! (Ugh, yeah, that was mom).
- 5:15 am: (Finally woken!!) Right. OK.
- 5:30 am: (Finished brushing and whatever hells, turning to arrange my books) where’s my Economics Notebook, Mom? Kahin dikhayi nahin de raha hai…(Angry ‘irresponsibility’ yells from the smelly kitchen…wtf!)
- 5:45 am: (All dressed up…checking if I look extra fat in the mirror…not really, not really, a tug here, a pull there and there I’m…ahhh, splendid…) now, where’s the comb?
- 5:55 am: (Finally all the hair tucked up into a coquettish looking ponytail…wtf…wtf…or I might just leave it open if I’m in that mood…puts some Vaseline…indispensable part of my school going life) Here, doodh. (Milk. Ugh ugh…Of course, Mom as she hurries to see if Ryan’s alright)
- 6:05 am: (Pulls on the loose socks and black/sports shoes, good bye kiss to Ryan, who in turns begins crying…yeah, I know, real cute…mom yelling not to ride fast…dad bids ‘have a great day’…as if!)
- 6:15 am: (On my bike…ahhh, the sweet air that blows…brilliant!)
- 6:20 am: (At last, in my dull and gloomy looking class IX D…although the students do their best to tang it up…) Hi, Gourav…(who sits their with a Science book open before him…speaking of geeks!) Was there any homework, class? (Gets 14 shrugs in reply…no one really knows…you wanna do homework, do…don’t want...well…we couldn’t care less…!)
- 6:30 am: (Class in an uproar…there’s a fight between Vibhas and Tushar…a eternal flirting session between Prateek and Niyaty…a gossip-update from Anjali and Co…Nishit making swirls on the green board…Ankita busy in adorning the class boards…a quarrel between Neh and Kushal…a full-fledged discussion about FIFA World Cup among the sporty guys…a idle assembly between Anjum, Shimmey, Bonne and Me…a tuition talk between Pallu and a few other girls…the rest? Ahh, we need some audience!)
- 7 am: (Bell rings…Kedia Sir enters…that’s our class teacher…tch tch…roll call…quote of the week…this that that this)
- 8 am: (Still Standing! Yup…this, my friends, is what DPS, Bokaro should be famous for…and I’m sufficiently curious how it’s not! Yo. Teen ghantey (3 hours or so it seems, if not 3) we’ve got to stand in the hot (but certainly not sexy) and sweltering glaring sun…(I wish I’d put my sunscreen…)
- 9 am: (Soon, I’ll be loosing track of time…damn it, I sit on the front bench…you really can’t fall asleep…so I just make sure to note down each and every word of the teacher to prevent the tempting urge…damn…back benchers)
- 10:30 am: (Recess…at least that’s what they call it…it’s more like you’ve let loose a pack of hooligans…hooting, screeching, hollering, LOLs, teasing, wrestling for the chow mien, struggling to get a grab of haldiram’s mixture…this is how the guys behave…girls are quieter and nice…share your tiffins…I hate it…I mean OK, you’ve my food as much as you want…but don’t give me yours…ugh, unhygienic…please…maybe I’ve got some phobia…but I really can’t stand eating anyone else’s food or water…unclean, germ-infested…who knows?)
- 12:45 pm: (Finally the last bell rings…bikers go first, so, there’s, Pallu, Rash, Abhishek, Abhinav, Neh, Kushal, and somewhere lost, there’s me…tugging…)
- 1 pm: (Home, sweet home)
- 2 pm: (Had my lunch, feeling sleepy, pulling my eyes to stay awake, go and grab a biscuit…might help…ahh, nope...asleep)
- 6 pm: (OMG! I was sleeping!!! OMG! What about…) Mom, mujhe bulaya kyun nahin? Dekh nahin rahi thi main so rahi thi? Bula diya karo! (Eng Ver: Mom, omg, you didn’t wake me up? Didn’t you see I was sleeping? Oh! Why didn’t you? ) (No answer, she’s busy watching TV and Ryan)
- 7 pm: (Finally, sat for some serious study…)
- 10 pm: (Still studying…yeah…I can be a geek if I want to be, yeah…I’m large…I’ve multitudes! But finally served dinner…something called roti-sabjee…eng ver? Pancakes and sauté salad. Sounds yummy? Maybe in Eng, not in Hindi…I know I just cracked a PJ. DUH…who cares!?)
- 10:30 pm: (Dad arrives after a B-shift…I quickly pull out my Moths book to show him his studious and academically serious girl…dad smiles, he’s happy, mom shouts about my entire day’s account, he’s heated (just back from Blast Furnace!)…Gives me lecture on my future…how he’s against any sort of donations (even I’m)…tells me to study hard from next time…silence…silence…silence from me…I nod my head…)
- 12 o’clock: (Quite house…I like it…I can concentrate a lot more…study…study…)
- 1 am: (Switches on Computer…this that that this…blog, network, others, google, chat, comment, ymail, gmail, hotmail, reply, new message, delete spam folders…)
- 3 am: (Switches off computer…sleepy…open science book…reads a line about a million times…no, crappy…finally…switches off light…switches on AC…with book on my stomach…I fall asleep…for yet another day…for yet another day…another day as a veiled princess of her own imperfect life…)
“Marry Prince Williams? Why not …tell me, who wouldn’t like to be a princess?”
Britney Spears.
Who wouldn’t? I just need to pep up my training, ain’t it? Yo!
I really hope you guys (soccer fans or not) saw the match between Germany and Italy…breathtaking and awesome…believe me. A beautiful game. Both the countries played magnificently – till the last bitter end…
Although I’m no Germany supporter (as it defeated Arg) but I just can’t help appreciating them. It’s a bittersweet reaction that they lost provided that they played so well and that they’d whitewashed one of my faves. They played, I’m sure, their finest and I must say best. Thank You, Ballackians. You illustrated the world some world-class soccer – and this game of yours I am certain won’t be elapsed easily in football history.
Italy. Italy. Italy. Now, what can you say about them? Defence. That’s what comes into your head. Yeah, it’s true that theirs is the superlative defense in the soccer world and they evidently displayed it. But it was really smart of the coach, Lippi, to get in 4 attackers at last. Which shows that they took care both of their attack and defense. Really tactful and discreet. Grosso’s goal, I must say, just pulled them into action. And Del Piero’s goal was a counter-attack. Good luck, Italy. And I wish to tell you guys that now you’re my faves to win the cup.
I’d like to tell them who’ve missed this match to watch it whenever it’s being retelecasted. You won’t regret it, trust me!
Now, Portugal vs France. I’ve missed the game. I fell asleep at about 9:30 pm asking my dad to call me up when the match started but according to him I mumbled in my sleep “I’d rather sleep. Hell with soccer…” DUH.
Guys at school told me France had a good chance to win, but many liked Port.
But what my dad said to me that it wasn’t any top-notch game, the game being decided at the 33rd minute when Zidane got a penalty. According to him, it wasn’t a big offense that should’ve been given a penalty. Like, IDK. I don’t care much either about Port or Fr. They’ve never really awestruck me somehow although I’ve heard they play it well.
Eagerly waiting…Italy vs France. +Cross Fingers+ Hope Italy wins…who are with me?
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Mood - Horrible!
Watched the Germany-Argentina (4-2) match…so not in a pretty good mood.
Argentina didn’t play well…that’s all I gotta say. When they did the first goal of the match they thought now Germany can’t equalize it – it was very obvious, their game suddenly turned so defensive. All they went for is defense and hardly anyone paid attention to attack and goal, this is to say when the ball was with them for the most percentage of time during the match and they’d soooo many goal opportunities. Argentina just wanted to end the game. But not Germany, those tough, we’ll-play-our-best-and-put-our-best-foot-forward Ballackers! And they did it. And I must say, Klose’s goal was real good.
Extra time…was more of a bullfight rather than what you call soccer. Pulling down, ass kicking, tripping than little more than they should be, drama, and the severe urge to get a penalty shoot. I must say there WAS lots of offense from both the teams. And I must also say that I’ll eat my fingers if the Germans didn’t bribe the Mr. Lime Green Referee. Uh. No, Germany is the goody goody. Argentina deserved so many free kicks and penalty but no, Mr. Lime thought Germany could never do any foul – they’re clean…stinking clean. What do you call that?
When the Penalty Shoot came, I was sure that now Arg had no chance to win. That rake thin, skeletal and gaunt substitute Arg goalkeeper…you think he’ll save the goal (read: day)? Nada. So I just hid my face. The Germany goalkeeper was of much better built…you know the actual Arg goalkeeper wasn’t that bad, just that overtly emaciated, model like substitute.
Wonder what happened to Messi!!!
Germany deserved it. Even though I supported Arg…cuz I couldn’t think that Arg would play so immaturely…even our own homemade Mohun Bagan plays better…
I don’t have anything to say…
And England lost to Portugal! What a shame! I'm literally crying now! Uh...Beckham!! And that Rooney red card...I have lots to say, but I'm not in the mood now....ahhhhhhhhhh......
This is the "50 Random Facts" section except there won't be fifty in number and they won't be random. They'll be especially chosen for oddity's sake. It's more like an extended ramble in bulletted form.
· I hate the character Harry Potter. (I didn't before?) Right now, I feel he's like a wannabe Holden Caulfield except with magic. Let someone else save the world for once.
· I like the HP books and movies though. (Weirdo...) BUT I hate Dan Radcliffe and LOVE Tom Felton and Robert Pattinson!!!
· Speaking of Holden, I don't hate him, but not head-over-heels-in love with him either. I'm the only one I've met who occupies some sort of middle ground. Damn phonies.
· I did not think that the Return of the King deserved all the Oscars it won.
· Rumor has it that I am the lookalike of Kate Winslet. Ahh. YAY!
· I honestly like Angelina Jolie (NOT for her pouty pillow lips but because she's so humane, compassionate and charitable!)
· I 'm terribly in love with a person (secretly) who worships me like hell but I don't adore him at all!
· And if I knew why is that I wouldn't have liked him in spite of liking him!
· I hate doing maths but I have got to love it!Cuz, I think Maths rightly viewed possesses not only truth but supreme beauty – cold and austere.
· Because the only thing cooler than dead maths are undead maths. Bah.
· I have actually seen Van Helsing: The London Assignment (an animated prequel) of my own free will. I have this strange attraction to horrible, horrible movies that have their basis in Victorian literature.
· I believe that mankind is basically good in its roots.
· I have a vendetta against Sir Isaac Newton and disrespect his memory whenever possible. He invented Calculus for goodness sakes, why would anyone like such a man?
· I have other reasons for hating him, but none of them are very good. Um.
· I love slangs and its use but I'm restricted because I don't look like a person who can even know slangs!
· My crushes change regularly and largely. Well, almost every sec.
· I use my Dad's cell. Damn it. I'm not permitted to have one of my own. Double damn it.
· I don't think I'm very funny. At least, not overtly funny. I paint myself in subtler colors. Ah.
· I laugh like HELL. Thus, I'm nicknamed 'Giggles'. My record is 46 min.! Hehe.
· I hate sycophancy!
· I hate people who think themselves as The Star Of The Cosmos at school and stunningly pretty and damn clever and that they are the most superior beings and all that hell - because they're only the ones who are NOT!
· I like T-shirts with slogans on them. Same goes with cute colorful coffee mugs and glosses. I absolutely splurge and am smiiten by gloss. I dunno what would be my life without them.
· I love my make up. I'm not a tomboy no way. My fave part is gloss, mascara, gloss, gloss, sunscreen, gloss. Ooops, I almost forgot - gloss.
· I still've to ask my mum to line my eyes! I just can't stop shaking. Damn shakerz.
· I like playing basketball, tennis, volleyball, soccer...but of course it's not required I know how to play all of those.
· I get Straight A's even though I don't work for it!
· I hate myself when I blush.
· I hate my figure.
· I hate my pimples and zits which is a result of some long sleepless nights.
· I love capris.
· I like to be hard to get!
· I like chatting it out as someone else with people I know. I get to know myself and other people from a different angle.
· I don't have a best friend. I don't want to have...
· I hate lookz-freakish and frenzy girls who are time and again running to the mirror at the school loo to check on their face and hairdo.
· I wish I can see the future, well, we all do, right?
· Sometimes I feel this world is make believe. Uh.
· I feel jealous of my sibling...he's way too handsome to be my bro.
· I mix with my friends more freely than my parents.
· I like to eat when no one is watching me.
· I hate starers.
· I do have some highflying ambitions and inspirations which I wish one day to come true.
· I love to chat with unknown strangers. I feel freer and comfortable with least I do.
· I don't really like rake thinners but I just wanna know what it feels like to be one of them.
· I don't like people coming in my room. Whoever they are.
· I'm a daily tripper.
· I can't go out without my kerchiefs and watch.
· I wish I was born in the States.
· I wish I'd an American accent.
· Sometimes I wish to be like Avril Lavigne, though I know it's not really plausible.
Argentina didn’t play well…that’s all I gotta say. When they did the first goal of the match they thought now Germany can’t equalize it – it was very obvious, their game suddenly turned so defensive. All they went for is defense and hardly anyone paid attention to attack and goal, this is to say when the ball was with them for the most percentage of time during the match and they’d soooo many goal opportunities. Argentina just wanted to end the game. But not Germany, those tough, we’ll-play-our-best-and-put-our-best-foot-forward Ballackers! And they did it. And I must say, Klose’s goal was real good.
Extra time…was more of a bullfight rather than what you call soccer. Pulling down, ass kicking, tripping than little more than they should be, drama, and the severe urge to get a penalty shoot. I must say there WAS lots of offense from both the teams. And I must also say that I’ll eat my fingers if the Germans didn’t bribe the Mr. Lime Green Referee. Uh. No, Germany is the goody goody. Argentina deserved so many free kicks and penalty but no, Mr. Lime thought Germany could never do any foul – they’re clean…stinking clean. What do you call that?
When the Penalty Shoot came, I was sure that now Arg had no chance to win. That rake thin, skeletal and gaunt substitute Arg goalkeeper…you think he’ll save the goal (read: day)? Nada. So I just hid my face. The Germany goalkeeper was of much better built…you know the actual Arg goalkeeper wasn’t that bad, just that overtly emaciated, model like substitute.
Wonder what happened to Messi!!!
Germany deserved it. Even though I supported Arg…cuz I couldn’t think that Arg would play so immaturely…even our own homemade Mohun Bagan plays better…
I don’t have anything to say…
And England lost to Portugal! What a shame! I'm literally crying now! Uh...Beckham!! And that Rooney red card...I have lots to say, but I'm not in the mood now....ahhhhhhhhhh......
This is the "50 Random Facts" section except there won't be fifty in number and they won't be random. They'll be especially chosen for oddity's sake. It's more like an extended ramble in bulletted form.
· I hate the character Harry Potter. (I didn't before?) Right now, I feel he's like a wannabe Holden Caulfield except with magic. Let someone else save the world for once.
· I like the HP books and movies though. (Weirdo...) BUT I hate Dan Radcliffe and LOVE Tom Felton and Robert Pattinson!!!
· Speaking of Holden, I don't hate him, but not head-over-heels-in love with him either. I'm the only one I've met who occupies some sort of middle ground. Damn phonies.
· I did not think that the Return of the King deserved all the Oscars it won.
· Rumor has it that I am the lookalike of Kate Winslet. Ahh. YAY!
· I honestly like Angelina Jolie (NOT for her pouty pillow lips but because she's so humane, compassionate and charitable!)
· I 'm terribly in love with a person (secretly) who worships me like hell but I don't adore him at all!
· And if I knew why is that I wouldn't have liked him in spite of liking him!
· I hate doing maths but I have got to love it!Cuz, I think Maths rightly viewed possesses not only truth but supreme beauty – cold and austere.
· Because the only thing cooler than dead maths are undead maths. Bah.
· I have actually seen Van Helsing: The London Assignment (an animated prequel) of my own free will. I have this strange attraction to horrible, horrible movies that have their basis in Victorian literature.
· I believe that mankind is basically good in its roots.
· I have a vendetta against Sir Isaac Newton and disrespect his memory whenever possible. He invented Calculus for goodness sakes, why would anyone like such a man?
· I have other reasons for hating him, but none of them are very good. Um.
· I love slangs and its use but I'm restricted because I don't look like a person who can even know slangs!
· My crushes change regularly and largely. Well, almost every sec.
· I use my Dad's cell. Damn it. I'm not permitted to have one of my own. Double damn it.
· I don't think I'm very funny. At least, not overtly funny. I paint myself in subtler colors. Ah.
· I laugh like HELL. Thus, I'm nicknamed 'Giggles'. My record is 46 min.! Hehe.
· I hate sycophancy!
· I hate people who think themselves as The Star Of The Cosmos at school and stunningly pretty and damn clever and that they are the most superior beings and all that hell - because they're only the ones who are NOT!
· I like T-shirts with slogans on them. Same goes with cute colorful coffee mugs and glosses. I absolutely splurge and am smiiten by gloss. I dunno what would be my life without them.
· I love my make up. I'm not a tomboy no way. My fave part is gloss, mascara, gloss, gloss, sunscreen, gloss. Ooops, I almost forgot - gloss.
· I still've to ask my mum to line my eyes! I just can't stop shaking. Damn shakerz.
· I like playing basketball, tennis, volleyball, soccer...but of course it's not required I know how to play all of those.
· I get Straight A's even though I don't work for it!
· I hate myself when I blush.
· I hate my figure.
· I hate my pimples and zits which is a result of some long sleepless nights.
· I love capris.
· I like to be hard to get!
· I like chatting it out as someone else with people I know. I get to know myself and other people from a different angle.
· I don't have a best friend. I don't want to have...
· I hate lookz-freakish and frenzy girls who are time and again running to the mirror at the school loo to check on their face and hairdo.
· I wish I can see the future, well, we all do, right?
· Sometimes I feel this world is make believe. Uh.
· I feel jealous of my sibling...he's way too handsome to be my bro.
· I mix with my friends more freely than my parents.
· I like to eat when no one is watching me.
· I hate starers.
· I do have some highflying ambitions and inspirations which I wish one day to come true.
· I love to chat with unknown strangers. I feel freer and comfortable with least I do.
· I don't really like rake thinners but I just wanna know what it feels like to be one of them.
· I don't like people coming in my room. Whoever they are.
· I'm a daily tripper.
· I can't go out without my kerchiefs and watch.
· I wish I was born in the States.
· I wish I'd an American accent.
· Sometimes I wish to be like Avril Lavigne, though I know it's not really plausible.
Huh...bye so...
P.S. Finally, I lifted my lazy ass off my bed to create 2 things I've longed for -
- CH3M!CAL PR!NC3$$ - dare to read about the girl who broke your dreams?
- FROZEN DESIRES - just a small corner for my illusionary pics....oh, the trends!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
What sort of students get into IITs?
Finally, The Board results are out. Pretty cool, huh? Yes, it is…my school did quite well this time, (as usual…)! YAY! **pats on the back**
The highest percentage of 10th this time in DPS, Bokaro, is 96.2%…got by Nupur.
The 12th is 98% got by Shailesh Jha. (98%! Don’t you think that’s ickle bit too much?) The funny thing is he didn’t get into any engineering colleges though JOINT, JEE, or whatever the hell they’re called, in general entrance exams – pardon my ignorance. Absurd, huh? Otherwise there are 32 students who got in IITs from out here…holy shit.
One particular guy comes in my attention when I speak of all these stuff – Rohan. He got 66th rank in IIT this time – and I’m sure a pretty swell rank. And oh! Boy. That Rohan Bhaiya as we call him, is just soooo funky. I mean you wouldn’t think likely he’ll get into the private engineering colleges even. With highlighted hairs his Unicorn bike and all attitude and loads of style…one wonders how he did so well. A Blue Blazer, Gold Medal, Scholar Badge Holder, he is some wonder. Looks like some hero (rather loafer and a dropout who flunks every class); in actuality he’s a whiz kid! Kuch to hai us mein.
Shailesh Jha on the other hand was the emblematic geek. Study. That’s all he knew, so there’s no more to it.
I was just thinking…ahh, yes…so very like me. When swiftly it dawned on me that I fear my 10th Board Exams (which I’ll be giving in 2008 Feb-March), more that IITs. I’m such a creepo! I’m soo scared right now! Even if I study hard and not get a good result? Or not get into the IITs? I know it won’t be the end of the world, and my parents won’t slaughter me…but still, I myself will feel like a big time loser. But with the likes of Rohan and Nupur, I wonder, what kind of person you actually have to be to be an IITian.
Dad says that although Rohan and Nupur might look like funky guys, in actuality they’re surely very serious and academics conscious. I dunno. I’m really bewildered and bemused. What sort of students get into IITs nowadays?
Suicide. The word itself is alarming and sends images of hanged people and blood-spattered veins across your mind. If you ask me, suicide is nothing more than a self-felony. It’s a sin against nature. People who commit suicide surely aren’t normal guys…what’s got into me, huh?
A guy in my locality, Arijit Ray, who got 93% this time in 10th Board exams committed suicide. Horrible. Surely the reason can’t be worried and depressed about his academics? No. He’s wayyyy tooo gooood. His mock tests results in FIITJEE were superb. I think he came 2nd.
People around though aren’t sure if it was a suicide. You know, murder. It’s really bad. You know like he was studying at that time. His Physics book lay open along with a Math Notebook with an open pen on it. Besides, he didn’t hang himself, neither cut his veins, and nor taken poison. He was found with a towel around his neck sitting in front of his wardrobe. Funny, huh?
Yet again there’s buzz that he tried to do some Phy experiment on himself and in the process there occurred some accident of some sort and he got himself killed. I really don’t wanna think about it. If you ask me, then I think he was just plain thick and idiotic to try an experiment on himself, in the first place.
School opens on Monday with the usual Monday Test. It’s Social Science (History, Civics, Geography, Economics) tomorrow. It might’ve been alright if it’d been split up into separate subs. Fuck it. I’m really bonkers. I’m totally at a loss. It’s worse cuz I know I’m failing it. It’s just too scary! I hate this sub, first place. And I can’t wait to abandon this sub and get a grip in my life.
The Social Science Test Disease Syndrome –
Ø Several spells of wakeful distressed and disturbing nights
Ø Quite a few attacks of brainless mugging
Ø Bulging, stuffed strained and overwrought eyes (sometimes dark circles)
Ø Calorie consumption to thwart you to rest your poor eyes
Ø Numerous fits of stress, trauma, constant worry, anxiety (read: pimples)
Cure –
Ø Sadly, none. Just pray to God....might help you out...
Duration –
Ø 1 week Maximum
Prevention –
Ø Uh? Study Social Science every sec in your school life till Xth standard. Still you really can’t put off the virus. It’s very nagging and determined.
To end on a lighter note the latest flix I caught up with are The Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, Da Vinci Code and oh, Fanaa. Shall tell about them in next post. So long…XOXO
The highest percentage of 10th this time in DPS, Bokaro, is 96.2%…got by Nupur
The 12th is 98% got by Shailesh Jha. (98%! Don’t you think that’s ickle bit too much?) The funny thing is he didn’t get into any engineering colleges though JOINT, JEE, or whatever the hell they’re called, in general entrance exams – pardon my ignorance. Absurd, huh? Otherwise there are 32 students who got in IITs from out here…holy shit.
One particular guy comes in my attention when I speak of all these stuff – Rohan. He got 66th rank in IIT this time – and I’m sure a pretty swell rank. And oh! Boy. That Rohan Bhaiya as we call him, is just soooo funky. I mean you wouldn’t think likely he’ll get into the private engineering colleges even. With highlighted hairs his Unicorn bike and all attitude and loads of style…one wonders how he did so well. A Blue Blazer, Gold Medal, Scholar Badge Holder, he is some wonder. Looks like some hero (rather loafer and a dropout who flunks every class); in actuality he’s a whiz kid! Kuch to hai us mein.
Shailesh Jha on the other hand was the emblematic geek. Study. That’s all he knew, so there’s no more to it.
I was just thinking…ahh, yes…so very like me. When swiftly it dawned on me that I fear my 10th Board Exams (which I’ll be giving in 2008 Feb-March), more that IITs. I’m such a creepo! I’m soo scared right now! Even if I study hard and not get a good result? Or not get into the IITs? I know it won’t be the end of the world, and my parents won’t slaughter me…but still, I myself will feel like a big time loser. But with the likes of Rohan and Nupur, I wonder, what kind of person you actually have to be to be an IITian.
Dad says that although Rohan and Nupur might look like funky guys, in actuality they’re surely very serious and academics conscious. I dunno. I’m really bewildered and bemused. What sort of students get into IITs nowadays?
Suicide. The word itself is alarming and sends images of hanged people and blood-spattered veins across your mind. If you ask me, suicide is nothing more than a self-felony. It’s a sin against nature. People who commit suicide surely aren’t normal guys…what’s got into me, huh?
A guy in my locality, Arijit Ray, who got 93% this time in 10th Board exams committed suicide. Horrible. Surely the reason can’t be worried and depressed about his academics? No. He’s wayyyy tooo gooood. His mock tests results in FIITJEE were superb. I think he came 2nd.
People around though aren’t sure if it was a suicide. You know, murder. It’s really bad. You know like he was studying at that time. His Physics book lay open along with a Math Notebook with an open pen on it. Besides, he didn’t hang himself, neither cut his veins, and nor taken poison. He was found with a towel around his neck sitting in front of his wardrobe. Funny, huh?
Yet again there’s buzz that he tried to do some Phy experiment on himself and in the process there occurred some accident of some sort and he got himself killed. I really don’t wanna think about it. If you ask me, then I think he was just plain thick and idiotic to try an experiment on himself, in the first place.
School opens on Monday with the usual Monday Test. It’s Social Science (History, Civics, Geography, Economics) tomorrow. It might’ve been alright if it’d been split up into separate subs. Fuck it. I’m really bonkers. I’m totally at a loss. It’s worse cuz I know I’m failing it. It’s just too scary! I hate this sub, first place. And I can’t wait to abandon this sub and get a grip in my life.
The Social Science Test Disease Syndrome –
Ø Several spells of wakeful distressed and disturbing nights
Ø Quite a few attacks of brainless mugging
Ø Bulging, stuffed strained and overwrought eyes (sometimes dark circles)
Ø Calorie consumption to thwart you to rest your poor eyes
Ø Numerous fits of stress, trauma, constant worry, anxiety (read: pimples)
Cure –
Ø Sadly, none. Just pray to God....might help you out...
Duration –
Ø 1 week Maximum
Prevention –
Ø Uh? Study Social Science every sec in your school life till Xth standard. Still you really can’t put off the virus. It’s very nagging and determined.
To end on a lighter note the latest flix I caught up with are The Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, Da Vinci Code and oh, Fanaa. Shall tell about them in next post. So long…XOXO
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Interview with the Dreamer...
Ø So how shall we call you? Your real name or your pseudonym?
Ø Well, definitely my adopted name. Why would I’ve kept a name if I’d be in love with my real name?
Ø Oh, so you hate your real name?
Ø Did I say so? No, I don’t hate it. It’s just a bit long.
Ø It’s a real cool name.
Ø Thanx. Haha.
Ø So, this your book.
Ø Yeah, this my book.
Ø What is it about?
Ø A girl.
Ø A girl? You mean a girl’s affairs and all that?
Ø Ah no. It’s really simple. But presented in a different way.
Ø In what way different?
Ø Well, the girl is you know a bit of a loner, but I won’t label her as a Usually teens are not glad that they’ve no friends or that they’ve some freaky parents who you know traumatize them, you know, the Cinderella stepmum sort of? But Chez is entirely different. I mean her degree of solitude is so great that she’s completely unaware of normal things and that now she doesn’t want any company. She’s better left alone. To conclude she’s found happiness in her solitude.
Ø So does Chez has some problem?
Ø I don’t think so, no. Chez is just another victim of loneliness. You know, there sometimes comes a stage in your life when although you’re surrounded by a hundred or so called friends, it dawns on you that possibly no one in reality is your chum. Another case maybe that there are some people who are just a plain loser at socializing due to less exposure to the society at childhood and the growing up age. And so in the end they end up being alone and so lonely. Some people become all gloomy, depressed. Some people turn to violence to voice their thoughts, whereas some people just go on without giving it a thought. Chez chose latter option. And then her magnitude of loneliness became so huge that she ultimately surrendered herself and became another world person. Where their entire secret desires and disguised dreams actually do come true.
Ø Another world?
Ø Of their own. It doesn’t truly exist – and they know it doesn’t…just to keep their leftover hopes in existence they go and take the pseudo-consolation out of their world. Let me make it clear, it isn’t another MPD or schizophrenia. It’s very simple thing. Chez knows there’s no another world of her own. It’s a bit of a day dream, far-flung hankering…you know Alice in Wonderland sort of.
Ø So Chez got less exposure to society, you say?
Ø Yup. You’ll have to read that between lines. Her parents didn’t understand her, were you know if-I-let-my-daughter-go-out-she’ll-be-kidnapped control freaks, were violent and all those horrid stuff.
Ø Cool, so do you happen to have a world of your own?
Ø Although I’m not a loner, but I do like to have a world of my own where all my crazy ideas can play free from the cares of the world. But it’s not important. It’s, you know, personal.
Ø Could Chez have been you?
Ø Why not? Haha. No, not at all. I’m exactly the opposite. I’ll leave my books to hang around with my friends. And my parents are just fabulous. I mean, OK, they do get a bit hyper if I’m late from somewhere, but I think that’s pretty normal for parents. No, Chez is not based on any other real life character either. It’s purely fictitious. Original, period.
Ø What about the name Cheznie? Even this name’s cool.
Ø Thank you. Someday, it used to be by name. In fact I’d lots of name. Renee, Elektra, Arwen, Angelica, Samantha, Lizzie…list is on. Chez also used to be one of them. I’m very much in love with the name even today. But no see I’m so selfless I sacrificed it to my character. Haha.
Ø Why did you choose this theme for your story when it’s an era of Harry Potters and Eragons?
Ø Well, first of all. I actually love Harry Potters and Eragons besides Dan Browns, Jeffrey Archers, Paolo Coelhos, and Sidney Sheldons. They are real cool books. Why I chose this as my topic, because I’m not that sort of girl who follows the trend…the trend follows me haha.
Ø Which author of the ones you mentioned or any other inspired you to write?
Ø Well, I don’t really think you can corner literature to any one particular author. No, it’s the attraction of writing and lettering itself and the engrossing power of your own thoughts that can ultimately propel you to write. I started out by reading Enid Blyton, and I still revere her till date and lovingly gorge on her Famous Fives, and Secret Sevens, but then I’ve matured in my reading, and now go for sundry authors provided the book is good. Just because the author is popular doesn’t means I’ll like his stories. I know some brilliant stories, which haven’t been penned by any eminent authors yet they were magnificent and comparable to Saki or O.Henry.
Ø You could’ve chosen any other topic also – suspense, romance…? Why didn’t you?
Ø I don’t like romance. They freak me out. Yeah suspense, thrillers are exciting but I don’t know if I could’ve written them gracefully and with the same penmanship as the signature suspense writers do. This came straight out of my heart; there was no need of laboring and thinking hard about it. It was spontaneous and impulsive, in other words.
Ø So you are about 15. A fully-fledged teen? How’s your life?
Ø Cool. But my online life’s cooler than offline. Online I’ve got my blog where I just pour out all my crappy shit thoughts out…ahh, it gives me relief. Then some fun chat sessions. Mail check. Google. Then whatever is in my head at that time. All attitude and loadz of style. Offline I’m not so bold. Rather shy. But I make sure that I don’t miss out the fun. My friends are just brilliant. No, I don’t have any clique. Damn them. I try to make sure I go and mix out with all sorts of students- nerds, geeks, preps, gothic. I’m friends with the geekiest to the super popular pretty baby. There’s no favoritism in my life. I’m the general mixer. Haha. You’ll find me everywhere. Yay! I’m omnipresent. At home, I’m the laziest bum…and I don’t plan to change…I’m fine as I am. I’ve got a cute little brother, Ryan. So time flies for me with him.
Ø Wow, cool. What’s your URL?
Ø Go and visit it. It’s not super but it’s enough for me to shoot my thoughts.
Ø So what are you at school? Preppy?
Ø I dunno. I hate labels of any sort, at first place. I’m just a simple, down-to-earth girl who enjoys her school and her life.
Ø You must be very popular – you’re pretty, you’re smart, and now you’ve got a book!
Ø I’m definitely not the prettiest nor the smartest. There are hundreds of people I came name who are prettier and smarter than me. Oh and about the book, it’s just a passing fad. It’ll stay up for a couple of weeks and then it’ll all ebb. Out of fashion.
Ø And what about the media hype and the huge no. of fans you’ve got? The way people mob you at public sessions? And the huge calls for photo calls? Doesn’t that bother you who isn’t the queen bee of her own school even?
Ø Well, at first yes. I just used to freak out. It used to be terrifying thought of stepping out of my flat. But right now it’s OK. I think I’m used to it. See? I’m a real adjustable person.
Ø How do you feel about it?
Ø Definitely not bad. Hey, people who you even don’t know wanting autographs and photos – it’s a nice feeling that I’ve brightened someone’s day.
Ø So do you happen to have a boyfriend?
Ø Haha. Lol. No, not yet.
Ø What do you mean? 15? People have boyfriends from 13!
Ø Yes, I know. But alas, that’s the case in the states or in UK. Nada. Not in India. A relationship between a girl and a boy, in India, is seen only as of husband and wife or bro and sis or dad and daughter…no friends out here. But it has liberated a bit, so you can have friends as a guy but no, not a boyfriend. It’s totally anti-social.
Ø But that means you’ll never have a boyfriend!
Ø Maybe. I won’t. I couldn’t care less. I like my life independent, free. I can’t stand the thought of me being dependant on someone or someone being dependant on me, for that matter! It’s preposterous! Why can’t I live my life my way? Which I’m doing right now? I’m fine this way. Don’t spoil the fun.
Ø God. You’re different. For American girls not having a boyfriend is a disgrace.
Ø I heard of it. I’m sorry for those girls alright but I’m sure they can’t help it. American society is like that.
Ø Which society do you find better?
Ø Now, that’s an impossible question. No don’t ask me that, I don’t know. There are plus and negative points of all things in the world. Nobody can be perfect except nobody!
Ø That means you’re also not perfect?
Ø I’m lousy. I’m not even P of Perfect.
Ø But you’re funny, did you know that?
Ø No, but thank you. But I’d rather not be a joker.
Ø What would you like to work upon in your life?
Ø Well…I’d like to slim down and go sing some pop songs!
Ø Well, you’re not fat!
Ø Hah. Thanks for the false consolation!
Ø Well! It’s not.
Ø Alright.
Ø So you wanna become a pop singer?
Ø Oh not really. Just a day dream which I wish will not come true. There are some things of which you’ve got mixed feelings.
Ø So what do you wanna be when you grow up?
Ø Definitely not a writer if you were hoping that’d be my answer. No, writers suck. Sit and write. Any other job? Nay. I’d like to have a mainstream profession, energizing, exciting, creative, fun. That doesn’t means you don’t expect any more books from me, I hope my ideas don’t end. I’ll write as many books as I can. But that won’t be my profession. I’ll write books for pleasure as I’ve done for all this time.
Ø Cool. Like what profession?
Ø Scientist. Engineer. Professors…they’ve got the same foundation so I can really be all of them! If I can…
Ø So what other types of books you’re working on?
Ø Well, not many. I’m working on 2 books right now. Both are different from each other. And I’ve got another idea in my head. But I won’t pen it down until I’ve concluded my other 2s.
Ø You seem organized!
Ø Yeah, I’m pretty much the opposite.
Ø Can we get a hint what are they about?
Ø Sorry. Patience is something we should learn.
Ø When are they coming out?
Ø I can’t stand deadlines. They’ll come out, don’t bother with them or me right now. Go on with your lives as you do.
Ø What’s your message for wanna be authors?
Ø I’m not old or wise enough to hand around messages, please. All I’d say as a friend and as a wanna be author myself is that the first mistake we all do is just starting to write a story. That’s a big error. First, you must work out the entire and intact story in your mind, sketch it out in a paper and then begin with your story. Your story’ll automatically be enchanting and you’ll feel good and easy writing it. Trust me, I’ve tried this stuff out. I must have written a thousand stories till now, but unfortunately I didn’t make out the story sketch or outline first. So I’d to drop it midway, which was a regret…because the introductions were really cool.
Ø Really. It was just cool chatting to you, Sierrah. Honestly.
Ø Same with me. Thank You. Honestly.
An extra-stupid Saturday morning. I’d finished (Hah!) all my homework, except some numericals of Phy that I just went into my customary hankering disease. I just wanna get cured of these stuff. I just go into oblivion thinking about make-believe stuff…they’ll never come true. Stupor.
Watched all FIFA matches. Haha. Imagine my academix…couldn’t care less. Enjoy karne do yaar! Life is after all, all about masti, isn’t it? Hopefully!
Particularly, I loved the Argentina-S & M (6-0) match. Stupendous! Amazing! Awesome! Couldn’t have been better. Maradona just went hyper – so did my dad, a regular Argentina fan…
I was really sad with my dear England’s (read: Beckham) performance. Just 1 goal against paraguay and 2 goals against T&T. Anyway, I expected some more spectacular midline goals from him, but whatever…the best is yet to come! GO ENGLAND!
Ø Well, definitely my adopted name. Why would I’ve kept a name if I’d be in love with my real name?
Ø Oh, so you hate your real name?
Ø Did I say so? No, I don’t hate it. It’s just a bit long.
Ø It’s a real cool name.
Ø Thanx. Haha.
Ø So, this your book.
Ø Yeah, this my book.
Ø What is it about?
Ø A girl.
Ø A girl? You mean a girl’s affairs and all that?
Ø Ah no. It’s really simple. But presented in a different way.
Ø In what way different?
Ø Well, the girl is you know a bit of a loner, but I won’t label her as a Usually teens are not glad that they’ve no friends or that they’ve some freaky parents who you know traumatize them, you know, the Cinderella stepmum sort of? But Chez is entirely different. I mean her degree of solitude is so great that she’s completely unaware of normal things and that now she doesn’t want any company. She’s better left alone. To conclude she’s found happiness in her solitude.
Ø So does Chez has some problem?
Ø I don’t think so, no. Chez is just another victim of loneliness. You know, there sometimes comes a stage in your life when although you’re surrounded by a hundred or so called friends, it dawns on you that possibly no one in reality is your chum. Another case maybe that there are some people who are just a plain loser at socializing due to less exposure to the society at childhood and the growing up age. And so in the end they end up being alone and so lonely. Some people become all gloomy, depressed. Some people turn to violence to voice their thoughts, whereas some people just go on without giving it a thought. Chez chose latter option. And then her magnitude of loneliness became so huge that she ultimately surrendered herself and became another world person. Where their entire secret desires and disguised dreams actually do come true.
Ø Another world?
Ø Of their own. It doesn’t truly exist – and they know it doesn’t…just to keep their leftover hopes in existence they go and take the pseudo-consolation out of their world. Let me make it clear, it isn’t another MPD or schizophrenia. It’s very simple thing. Chez knows there’s no another world of her own. It’s a bit of a day dream, far-flung hankering…you know Alice in Wonderland sort of.
Ø So Chez got less exposure to society, you say?
Ø Yup. You’ll have to read that between lines. Her parents didn’t understand her, were you know if-I-let-my-daughter-go-out-she’ll-be-kidnapped control freaks, were violent and all those horrid stuff.
Ø Cool, so do you happen to have a world of your own?
Ø Although I’m not a loner, but I do like to have a world of my own where all my crazy ideas can play free from the cares of the world. But it’s not important. It’s, you know, personal.
Ø Could Chez have been you?
Ø Why not? Haha. No, not at all. I’m exactly the opposite. I’ll leave my books to hang around with my friends. And my parents are just fabulous. I mean, OK, they do get a bit hyper if I’m late from somewhere, but I think that’s pretty normal for parents. No, Chez is not based on any other real life character either. It’s purely fictitious. Original, period.
Ø What about the name Cheznie? Even this name’s cool.
Ø Thank you. Someday, it used to be by name. In fact I’d lots of name. Renee, Elektra, Arwen, Angelica, Samantha, Lizzie…list is on. Chez also used to be one of them. I’m very much in love with the name even today. But no see I’m so selfless I sacrificed it to my character. Haha.
Ø Why did you choose this theme for your story when it’s an era of Harry Potters and Eragons?
Ø Well, first of all. I actually love Harry Potters and Eragons besides Dan Browns, Jeffrey Archers, Paolo Coelhos, and Sidney Sheldons. They are real cool books. Why I chose this as my topic, because I’m not that sort of girl who follows the trend…the trend follows me haha.
Ø Which author of the ones you mentioned or any other inspired you to write?
Ø Well, I don’t really think you can corner literature to any one particular author. No, it’s the attraction of writing and lettering itself and the engrossing power of your own thoughts that can ultimately propel you to write. I started out by reading Enid Blyton, and I still revere her till date and lovingly gorge on her Famous Fives, and Secret Sevens, but then I’ve matured in my reading, and now go for sundry authors provided the book is good. Just because the author is popular doesn’t means I’ll like his stories. I know some brilliant stories, which haven’t been penned by any eminent authors yet they were magnificent and comparable to Saki or O.Henry.
Ø You could’ve chosen any other topic also – suspense, romance…? Why didn’t you?
Ø I don’t like romance. They freak me out. Yeah suspense, thrillers are exciting but I don’t know if I could’ve written them gracefully and with the same penmanship as the signature suspense writers do. This came straight out of my heart; there was no need of laboring and thinking hard about it. It was spontaneous and impulsive, in other words.
Ø So you are about 15. A fully-fledged teen? How’s your life?
Ø Cool. But my online life’s cooler than offline. Online I’ve got my blog where I just pour out all my crappy shit thoughts out…ahh, it gives me relief. Then some fun chat sessions. Mail check. Google. Then whatever is in my head at that time. All attitude and loadz of style. Offline I’m not so bold. Rather shy. But I make sure that I don’t miss out the fun. My friends are just brilliant. No, I don’t have any clique. Damn them. I try to make sure I go and mix out with all sorts of students- nerds, geeks, preps, gothic. I’m friends with the geekiest to the super popular pretty baby. There’s no favoritism in my life. I’m the general mixer. Haha. You’ll find me everywhere. Yay! I’m omnipresent. At home, I’m the laziest bum…and I don’t plan to change…I’m fine as I am. I’ve got a cute little brother, Ryan. So time flies for me with him.
Ø Wow, cool. What’s your URL?
Ø Go and visit it. It’s not super but it’s enough for me to shoot my thoughts.
Ø So what are you at school? Preppy?
Ø I dunno. I hate labels of any sort, at first place. I’m just a simple, down-to-earth girl who enjoys her school and her life.
Ø You must be very popular – you’re pretty, you’re smart, and now you’ve got a book!
Ø I’m definitely not the prettiest nor the smartest. There are hundreds of people I came name who are prettier and smarter than me. Oh and about the book, it’s just a passing fad. It’ll stay up for a couple of weeks and then it’ll all ebb. Out of fashion.
Ø And what about the media hype and the huge no. of fans you’ve got? The way people mob you at public sessions? And the huge calls for photo calls? Doesn’t that bother you who isn’t the queen bee of her own school even?
Ø Well, at first yes. I just used to freak out. It used to be terrifying thought of stepping out of my flat. But right now it’s OK. I think I’m used to it. See? I’m a real adjustable person.
Ø How do you feel about it?
Ø Definitely not bad. Hey, people who you even don’t know wanting autographs and photos – it’s a nice feeling that I’ve brightened someone’s day.
Ø So do you happen to have a boyfriend?
Ø Haha. Lol. No, not yet.
Ø What do you mean? 15? People have boyfriends from 13!
Ø Yes, I know. But alas, that’s the case in the states or in UK. Nada. Not in India. A relationship between a girl and a boy, in India, is seen only as of husband and wife or bro and sis or dad and daughter…no friends out here. But it has liberated a bit, so you can have friends as a guy but no, not a boyfriend. It’s totally anti-social.
Ø But that means you’ll never have a boyfriend!
Ø Maybe. I won’t. I couldn’t care less. I like my life independent, free. I can’t stand the thought of me being dependant on someone or someone being dependant on me, for that matter! It’s preposterous! Why can’t I live my life my way? Which I’m doing right now? I’m fine this way. Don’t spoil the fun.
Ø God. You’re different. For American girls not having a boyfriend is a disgrace.
Ø I heard of it. I’m sorry for those girls alright but I’m sure they can’t help it. American society is like that.
Ø Which society do you find better?
Ø Now, that’s an impossible question. No don’t ask me that, I don’t know. There are plus and negative points of all things in the world. Nobody can be perfect except nobody!
Ø That means you’re also not perfect?
Ø I’m lousy. I’m not even P of Perfect.
Ø But you’re funny, did you know that?
Ø No, but thank you. But I’d rather not be a joker.
Ø What would you like to work upon in your life?
Ø Well…I’d like to slim down and go sing some pop songs!
Ø Well, you’re not fat!
Ø Hah. Thanks for the false consolation!
Ø Well! It’s not.
Ø Alright.
Ø So you wanna become a pop singer?
Ø Oh not really. Just a day dream which I wish will not come true. There are some things of which you’ve got mixed feelings.
Ø So what do you wanna be when you grow up?
Ø Definitely not a writer if you were hoping that’d be my answer. No, writers suck. Sit and write. Any other job? Nay. I’d like to have a mainstream profession, energizing, exciting, creative, fun. That doesn’t means you don’t expect any more books from me, I hope my ideas don’t end. I’ll write as many books as I can. But that won’t be my profession. I’ll write books for pleasure as I’ve done for all this time.
Ø Cool. Like what profession?
Ø Scientist. Engineer. Professors…they’ve got the same foundation so I can really be all of them! If I can…
Ø So what other types of books you’re working on?
Ø Well, not many. I’m working on 2 books right now. Both are different from each other. And I’ve got another idea in my head. But I won’t pen it down until I’ve concluded my other 2s.
Ø You seem organized!
Ø Yeah, I’m pretty much the opposite.
Ø Can we get a hint what are they about?
Ø Sorry. Patience is something we should learn.
Ø When are they coming out?
Ø I can’t stand deadlines. They’ll come out, don’t bother with them or me right now. Go on with your lives as you do.
Ø What’s your message for wanna be authors?
Ø I’m not old or wise enough to hand around messages, please. All I’d say as a friend and as a wanna be author myself is that the first mistake we all do is just starting to write a story. That’s a big error. First, you must work out the entire and intact story in your mind, sketch it out in a paper and then begin with your story. Your story’ll automatically be enchanting and you’ll feel good and easy writing it. Trust me, I’ve tried this stuff out. I must have written a thousand stories till now, but unfortunately I didn’t make out the story sketch or outline first. So I’d to drop it midway, which was a regret…because the introductions were really cool.
Ø Really. It was just cool chatting to you, Sierrah. Honestly.
Ø Same with me. Thank You. Honestly.
An extra-stupid Saturday morning. I’d finished (Hah!) all my homework, except some numericals of Phy that I just went into my customary hankering disease. I just wanna get cured of these stuff. I just go into oblivion thinking about make-believe stuff…they’ll never come true. Stupor.
Watched all FIFA matches. Haha. Imagine my academix…couldn’t care less. Enjoy karne do yaar! Life is after all, all about masti, isn’t it? Hopefully!
Particularly, I loved the Argentina-S & M (6-0) match. Stupendous! Amazing! Awesome! Couldn’t have been better. Maradona just went hyper – so did my dad, a regular Argentina fan…
I was really sad with my dear England’s (read: Beckham) performance. Just 1 goal against paraguay and 2 goals against T&T. Anyway, I expected some more spectacular midline goals from him, but whatever…the best is yet to come! GO ENGLAND!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Of Fairies and FIFA World Cups...

Just yesterday I was indexing my lil library (It needed indexing badly, the old index showed a lousy and abysmal 114 books, while right now it’s over 150), when I reached my segment of Fairy Tales. This made me give a curious smirk for indescribable raison d'être. Maybe for the verity that I was so love-struck and smitten by them - before the age of 12 – and I now I don’t even mull over their existence. It also made me thinking.
Fairy Tale, initially time-honored castle-in-the-sky chronicles about delightful and magical people; the expression, surprisingly, now also covers far-fetched tales from many sources, including folktales and fables, which do not always embrace magic. Fairy tales are often supposed to have “timeless” rudiments, and there are unquestionably intermittent features: brawny heroes, fluky peasants, stunning princesses, good-looking and valiant princes and iniquitous - and I must say - wicked stepmothers (or stepfathers, for that matter). Similar stories are found in many countries, and early tales very often have the qualms and dreams of the regular people. (The wolves of contemporary versions of the tales were formerly the werewolves in the nameless darkness outside the firelight; in later cultures, working girls could dream of finding a sapphire slipper that would fit them and win them a prince as a husband! I wish! I wish!). Many of the tales are heavy with bloodshed and regrettably sexual symbolism. Despite their “universal” self, the tales are frequently customized to ensemble the cognizant or cataleptic tastes of each age band, chiefly when they are adapted for kids.
Britain has a protracted institution of magic and magical beings, which have passed through many fashions and crazes. Shakespeare momentarily popularized the design of gauzy-winged little creatures in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (c. 1595-1596) – you’d know if you’ve read it or seen the movie variation - but on the whole the indigenous British tradition was more stout, with giants, ogres, goblins, and banshees (whose wails foretold death); the Irish leprechauns – whom we also find in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire as the Irish supporters - have a repute for playfulness, whereas kelpies were firstly water-demons, and pixies led people off beam.
The fresh fairy tale derives from a trend in late 17th-century France under Louis XIV. The prior French chapbooks (the bibliothèque bleue) and the Italian Pentamerone (1634-1636) was possibly – I haven’t read these books! A friend of mine told me about it, so I can’t be sure - the font of “The Sleeping Beauty”, “Cinderella”, and “Puss in Boots”.
In Britain, from the 1760s, most likely, the tales appeared in discounted popular editions (although they were less popular in the United States). In the 19th century the stash of fairy tales was augmented by the addition of English folktales, such as “Jack and the Beanstalk” and stories derived from the Arabian Nights.
Despite antagonism from moralists and educationalists, the fairy tale became progressively more all the rage in the 19th century, moving swiftly from adults’ to children’s editions. No fewer than four versions of the Hans Christian Andersen collection Eventyr (fairy stories) – I’ve read them, they’re terrific and fab - appeared in 1846 (1st edition, i.e.). Some scholars feel that Andersen was the writer who had the most sway on the growth of children’s literature in the 19th century, and his often-heartrending tales, notably “The Little Mermaid”, “The Ugly Duckling”, and “Thumbelina” have remained popular and have been fruitfully filmed. Though as for me I haven’t seen the movie versions…I read them being excellent in an Internet article.
As a result of this popularity, fairies of various kinds appeared in children’s literature: famous examples are George MacDonald’s The Princess and the Goblin (1872), and the collection of short stories, The Happy Prince (1888) by Oscar Wilde. At the end of the 19th century, fairies became part of a exceptionally over-romantic and schmaltzy view of childhood; the olden English spirit, Puck, in Puck of Pook’s Hill (1906) by Rudyard Kipling, complained that they misrepresented the hard-hitting, potent, magical figures of legend, in an accentual way…
As fairy tales became more and more exclusively reading material designed for children in the 20th century, they have urbanized and changed. Generally, the cruder, more sadistic and scary elements have been cut out. A good example is “Little Red Riding Hood”. A very good example, I say! In its earliest versions, which I read, the wolf kills the grandmother and puts her flesh on a plate, and her blood in a bottle *scary, eh?*; Little Red Riding Hood then comes to an distasteful and horrid closing stages in the wolf’s bed. Other adaptations show her (but not the grandmother) escaping through her own ingenuity which made me go BONKERZ I got so puzzled…Nineteenth-century versions introduced the male woodcutter to save the “vulnerable” females, and many 20th-century editions present a blissful ending in which only the wolf is actually debilitated—and most recently, as I read in my 6 year old cousin’s book of fairy tales, even the wolf has been rehabilitated. Wow! Generosity. Psychologists have seen the story as being fundamentally about relationships between men and women. I wonder how.
Major influences on the development of the tales have been the films of Walt Disney. These have been criticized for corniness, and embodying explicitly American values – Though I didn’t find that objectionable with me! In recent years there has been a fashion for “adult” fairy tales (!!), for example, The Bloody Chamber (1979) by Angela Carter, which proved really weird for me, you know, it’s nothing like those sweet little charming fairy tales you read, and for feminist and “politically approved” versions.
Fairy tales are at the heart of the British pantomime tradition, you’ll find them in some of the Enid Blyton stories, and have become immersed into the national (and global, for that matter) ethnicity. Such is the assumed pervasiveness of the tales that Roald Dahl was able to incorporate fairy-tale characters in his parodies Revolting Rhymes (1982) which is really cute. The fairy tale seems likely to carry on to be an indispensable facet of world mores.
I wonder if Harry Potter essentially is a Fairy Tale…? You know, considering it has magick and everything… Perhaps it’s, but the idea is so preposterous and ludicrous, that I can’t help dropping it! What do you think?
OK, now done with that shit. Sometimes, I myself dunno what I ranting about…my brain is you know jammed and stuck and totally grossed!
So, now I’m back from my enchanting trip to US. It was heavenly. It was heavenly. It was heavenly. It was heavenly. Ahh…what else…can you describe heaven? I went there along with my maternal uncle. They live at Pennsylvania. My uncle works at Pennsylvania University, see, so it was bit academicky milieu for me for the former fraction of the trip. Later on, as my uncle issued a leave, we, that’s to say, uncle, aunt and their 2 sons who are older that me – had a super-duper blast. We visited California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Texas, Washington, Hawaii, Kentucky. Phew. Now you know, why I’m being an all creep and behaving like a weirdo. All these 10 states in, let me see, I went on 24th May, and returned on 6th June. So that’d be 13 days! Yo, American babe! Haha! Of course I didn’t visit all the cities in each state – only, which were chic and flashy like San Francisco, LA, San Diego and a few others I don’t remember the names…in California.
The people over there were so…different! They were you know blithe, laid-back and well unfussy…people walking and cycling around with headphones and walkmans (men?), and the studentz well they can hardly be called studentz! Wearing what-you want dresses at school, life is just happy-go-lucky for them! I wish! I wish! I went to Abbey’s school, he studies in grade 11, and my! What cute girls and what handsome guyz! Like, o_o! But they were also damn tall, and to me uh uh, I sucked! All the girls were I could swear no less that 5’6” although they were just maybe 1 or 2 years older to me! And the boys were oh, 5’9”! Abbey himself is 5’9” and Ray, who is now in college, is about 6’…I hate myself! **sobz**
Although Ronney doesn’t studies in a hi-fi school but the school was much above Indian standard schools...the infrastructure was too good for words! But I must say the items were pretty expensive…so not much shopping out there for me…I only got some glosses and some T-shirts and my uncle and aunt gave me perfumes, outfits, toyz for Ryan, make up stuff for mom, shaving kit for dad, loadz of chocolates (YUMM!) and this that…trinkets you know. Abbey and Ray gave me loadz of CDs and second hand trashed junk (which includez stunning posters of different celebz…I’m not sure if I’ll put them all up…cuz some of them are uh not really good)…but no less good for me. Hah! I wonder what they’ll be thinking if they’re reading this right now. Creepz!
Then I met with Abbey’s 14 girlfriendz…**winkz**…if you ask me, all the girlz look charming and just charismatic…but the girlz I saw were mostly Spanish…there were hardly any you know native Americans…who aren’t as good…
About visiting the attractions, well, can I say bad? It was incomparable and brilliant! I’ve never seen anything in my life so dazzling! I guess it’ll take me an entire day describing facts and trivia to you, so letz drop it. I’m not in the mood to waste an entire day… It was good. So there’s it. My vocabulary and lexis is devastating and distressingly underprivileged and incomplete in even the most crucial wordz **uh** so I’m not the brightest person around with adjectives cuz the only wordz which are coming into my head are nice and good (and fine)! Damner!
Nearer home…R.Y.A.N. Hehe. His latest ‘school-name’, as we say it here, is Ryan Archit Paul, or Archit Ryan Paul. Any one of them…give me your poll. Huh. Which one soundz better? Or if you have any good names, I’m wanting. My fave names are you know just too many to list. I wish I’d more brothers…haha.
If I’d the emancipation I’d change my name to Cheznie. It soundz so kewl. Or Kenzington. Kenzy for short! Damn me!
Latest addition to my library is Best Of Guy De Maupassant and Tell me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon. Book review later.
To end on a bitter note…uh…I’ve yet not completed my shitworkz, Physix and Math are still untouched…long live untouchability…no pun intended!
My individual projectz, well,
English – ahh, almost done, haven’t still made the Q card. But it’ll probably deal with some grammatical know-how whatsoever. My book review is on Eragon of The Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini. It’s a damn terrific book; I’ll post the analysis sometime. It’s not great, but at least you’ll get an idea. Wall magazine is on the development of surnames in England. Damn boring, but whatever. When was shitworkz exciting? Lotz of aricles, poems for the class magazines…I intend to whip up a story also, if I can. Collage is on Football World Cup 2006 in Germany. It’s pretty eye-catching with a burgundy frame. Dad loved it and gorges over it everyday! I must say a mishap happened tio it. We were supposed to do it on a half chartpaper, but I simply forgot about it and made it lavishly on a full chart. When I came to know I was like pissed off and broken…poor me! Mini-Dic is group and I’m least bothered! Haha.
Bio – I’ve worked out what I’ll make. It’s on smoke conservation and air pollution – or the other way around. You’ve got to make a working model based on any ecological issue or on any theme which is in your syllabus. I went for the former one! At first I was simply lost! How do you make a working model of anything? Although I’ve done a 3-year Electronix course at my school, but still without some sort of backing it can prove tricky. But then Dad became a sweet angel and showed me the way. I’ll publish it here once the entire class submitz their model…I don’t want them creepz coming in and stealing ideas from me – damn cheaterz! Damn plagiarizers!
History – no idea…I mean no idea how I’ll do it…I’ll probably ask Zeba, the History mugger.
Chem – Group. And the group suckz.
I saw the opening ceremony of FIFA world cup on Friday night. Wasn’t it funny? The girls flying all over the place on whatever you call dresses? But it looked arresting and beautiful nevertheless. The match between Costa Rica and Germany was also fascinating. 4-2 to Germany…YAY? This is probably the first opening match Costa Rica lost…but like against Germany! Germany minus Ballack played stupendously! I predominantly loved their passes! Whhosh! Smooooth! Oh, btw, my new crush, Klose…nay, kidding, no one can be akin with my *david*! Long live English team! My dad supports Argentina but sayz Germany has a good chance to win…I support England but say England has a good chance win…haha, an English girl through and through! That I am! I’m particularly on the lookout for Peter Crouch…wonder how he’ll be…
So, I think it’s really a loooooong post, so that gives me a pretext not posting till next Sunday! Haha! I can say with poise and self-reliance that I’m the most slothful and languid person in existence, and that I plan to keep myself that way – NO MATTER WHAT!
Word Count – 2280 wordz. Just to show you how much I (am) RIIIIGHT!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
So there you go! YAY!
Happy days are here again!
No crap! It's holidays again oops, homeworks again! We've been loaded with zillion homeworks and projects and other stupidities where you've got to apply your mind otherewise face Grade B in your marksheet which is just shit in itself!
Yep. We've got simply enormous amount of homeworks...shitwork, sorry. On top of that I'm into this f****** science congress on "******* ************". Ooops, I shouldn't be letting out the theme we've choosed. *Hurriedly deletes it*.
OK. Tomorrow a few friends are coming at my place - Gourav, Mallika and Prateek - officially to discuss on the projects (Chemistry, Bio and English) we're doing together, factually to laugh and ridicule and just have fun and obviously chill out. It's gonna be good. Can't wait. It's damn boring at my place and it'd be better if you don't talk about Ryan. He's too mischievous for words. The other day the chair fell right on him. Shit. *sobs*
The news that Britney Spears is pregnant again simply wiped me off. First of all, she's already proved in more than one ways how lousy she can be as a mommy. The child was just about 4 months when she conceived again (read: again) and now she's 4 months pregnant. What with a 8 months old baby Sean Preston. It simply sucks! Someone preach her!
Well, anyway what do I acre? Huh?
Other stuff, I downloaded lots of Mariah Careys and Hilary Duffs and tell you what they simply rock. I've never heard a more splendid voice! I wish! I wish! I was them! I hate being me! I hate being so ugly, so silly, so unsmart! I can't comprehend why God has been partial to few folks in this world.
And so I've joined a Spiritual University of Brahma and RajYoga where I'm doing a summer camp course of 8 days. Today was the 4th day and I'm really getting into it.
So, in case you are in Class IX D of DPS, Bokaro and so one of my friends, then here's asking you how's your vacations going and how much have you progressed in those crappy homeworks. And of course, love you all.
To my online sweethearts, hey, you also must be vacationing, so how's it coming on? Tell me how are you getting rid of this boredoma nd monotononity of life?
P.S. Info> In case you're a CBSE (NCERT) student and haven't got your books as many of them haven't then you can click here to get those books downloaded online. Happy downloading.
One of my friends who has a site on the Pop-Princess Ashlee Simpson is having trouble getting hosting for images etc. If you'd like to help and be a sweet angel please contact.
P.P.S. Offline Friends> If you're having any trouble with making notes on subjects like Geography feel free to get in touch.
So there you go! YAY!
Happy days are here again!
No crap! It's holidays again oops, homeworks again! We've been loaded with zillion homeworks and projects and other stupidities where you've got to apply your mind otherewise face Grade B in your marksheet which is just shit in itself!
Yep. We've got simply enormous amount of homeworks...shitwork, sorry. On top of that I'm into this f****** science congress on "******* ************". Ooops, I shouldn't be letting out the theme we've choosed. *Hurriedly deletes it*.
OK. Tomorrow a few friends are coming at my place - Gourav, Mallika and Prateek - officially to discuss on the projects (Chemistry, Bio and English) we're doing together, factually to laugh and ridicule and just have fun and obviously chill out. It's gonna be good. Can't wait. It's damn boring at my place and it'd be better if you don't talk about Ryan. He's too mischievous for words. The other day the chair fell right on him. Shit. *sobs*
The news that Britney Spears is pregnant again simply wiped me off. First of all, she's already proved in more than one ways how lousy she can be as a mommy. The child was just about 4 months when she conceived again (read: again) and now she's 4 months pregnant. What with a 8 months old baby Sean Preston. It simply sucks! Someone preach her!
Well, anyway what do I acre? Huh?
Other stuff, I downloaded lots of Mariah Careys and Hilary Duffs and tell you what they simply rock. I've never heard a more splendid voice! I wish! I wish! I was them! I hate being me! I hate being so ugly, so silly, so unsmart! I can't comprehend why God has been partial to few folks in this world.
And so I've joined a Spiritual University of Brahma and RajYoga where I'm doing a summer camp course of 8 days. Today was the 4th day and I'm really getting into it.
So, in case you are in Class IX D of DPS, Bokaro and so one of my friends, then here's asking you how's your vacations going and how much have you progressed in those crappy homeworks. And of course, love you all.
To my online sweethearts, hey, you also must be vacationing, so how's it coming on? Tell me how are you getting rid of this boredoma nd monotononity of life?
P.S. Info> In case you're a CBSE (NCERT) student and haven't got your books as many of them haven't then you can click here to get those books downloaded online. Happy downloading.
One of my friends who has a site on the Pop-Princess Ashlee Simpson is having trouble getting hosting for images etc. If you'd like to help and be a sweet angel please contact.
P.P.S. Offline Friends> If you're having any trouble with making notes on subjects like Geography feel free to get in touch.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
My Elektric Heart goes Tick-Tock

Hey people.
I know I'm being sooooo lazy nowadays. But anyway, I just can't help. I'm now a sophomoric at my high school. YAY! And there's tremendous pressure from subjects like geography, History and Economics. I striving to find a place....
I really wanna top this time...damn it...I gave a promise to my dad! I don't wanna break it!
I honestly don't know what Gourav Bhowmick does to achieve that pinnacle. I'm soo lousy so unbrainy.
I've got a new friend nowadays...Mallika (Not Sherawat) Sharma. She's such a baby! Her voice is like a 5 year old. Really it is. Sometimes it gets on my nerves but otherwise it's really cute to hear. After all, she's such a pretty girl. And her boyfriend, uh. MD. He's like nice. I don't know much about him but I know he can get EXCLUSIVELY angry when you do something off beam. Like red. It's real scary to approach him them.
Another friend. Shreepriya. WHAT A SMART GIRL! I LOVE HER! She's so forthright and candid about her views....I wish I was like her. And her handwriting is awesome. GF of Nishit. good choice.....way to go!
We three are like mads. We laugh like much so that teachers have to tell us to bring medical certificates. Huh...yeah! But then I really like laughing it helps me to hide my interor which is dark, gloomy and awfully unhappy of things unknown.
I may have a brighter outlook in school, people see me as whoa, that funloving, outgoing, crazy girl...she's so joyous...but anyone who's really seen my eyes will know what I'm really like...sad and weeping for things that aren't right in my life.
To end on a brighter note, Kedia sir our clssteacher is being absent nowadays so that we get his periods FREE! and end up doing silly things - Mallika and me come up with really crazy ideas about various things and laugh ourselves silly and people wonder what's going on?!
Other wise, the guys, Aditya, Anshuman, Ashish, Nishit, Prateek, Vibhas, Abhishek,Vicky - like hanging out with Mallika my outlook towards them has at least I think I can talk to them! It's really nice nowadays in the class....but it's be much better without Anjali and Co. Hehe.
Anyway, I'm going to USA on 28th May. Now that's something to look forward to, isn't it. I'll be first going to New Orleans where Abhik (or now Abbey) my elder brother lives. He's in 11th grade and looks awesome. he's got 14 girlfriends and I'm eager to meet all of them. I've made him promise to give me CDs of Backstreet Boys and Avril Lavigne. And posters of Orlando Bloom, Kate Winslet, Keira Kinghtley, Leonardo DiCaprio....and live up my rooms. Ma says there's no space left on my bedroom walls. Every space is jammed with celeb pix....Okay, I've got Leo, britney, Miss Universe Natalie, Maria Sharapova has got 6, Tom Felton (love him like hell!), Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson (uh, she's so beautiful), Rupert Grint, Anna Kounikova, over there at the top is of course ORLANDO BLOOM (my dream) and Shah Rukh Khan and Rani and Preity and Katrina Kaif who looks ****.
Monday my Sanskrit exam....gross...I really hate it...why can't there be languages I'm fluent in like French and Greek? C'est qui moi? I hate that dehati teacher too....he's damn....
Today there was a demo. Ew. She was like okay. A bit nervous. Broken english. I couldn't really understand what she was telling so to show my coolness i asked a question just to show to what length I can be stupid. Heh. But Fasiullah sir began teacher her, it was fun, seeing sir preaching maam and she looking all frightened. hehe. I guess I'd have been worse if I'd have been in her place. Sir you know like pisses us off, but today he pissed someone else off....heh.
Nearer home, Ryan is simply mad. he won't let me eat - he wants the other half. Forst he'll be kiising all over me and then bang a tight slap. He'' come on my bed raid it slash my bedsheets, throw my pretty softoys and all that softie things I soo love and chickle and go away. He'll run when you're going to feed him - he wants Kurkure or Maggie or Chocolate. No Cerelac, baby. He'll dance like mads when he'll hear a Britney or Backstreet Boy Song, and the he's constantly falling down here and there. But look at him he won't even cry. GROSS! But I really can't feel that angry he's so cool so cute. Know what? He's more popular that I school. They say - Oh you've that cute brother don't you? And I'm like...well, what? Yeah. But I LOVE RYAN LIKE HELL!
Right now I'm chatting with the prettiest and fairest girl I ever saw on earth in my life (heh) Rashmi. She's so good...we're talking about Irfan handsome he
If anyone has got a pic of Keira Knighley, please mail it to me!
Online life....I got a Gmail! <-- --> If you want one Gmail, simply drop a comment.
If you are an offline friend of mine...right...the, hi to you! Online Ya!
Listening To: Baby One More Time - Britney
Humming: Tu Hi Meri Shab hai
Reading: False impression - jeff Archer
Weather: It's 2 am. Mum and dad are sleeping in the the other room. I'm doing Net.
Aiming: I just wanna slap that chat guy!
Hating: Well, me.
Loving: Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Too many people to name.
Movie: Narnia
Crush: Tom Felton, Orli
Feeling: The AC is on...I'm just in the right mood.
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