Forget the tears. Forget the silent accusations. And the loud ones. Forget the rainy nights on the wet roads. Forget the half-complaints. And the insecurities. Forget the the first exchanged message on facebook. Forget the bleeding nose. Forget the million moments of shared laughter. Forget judging and being judged. Forget the first hurried conversation. Forget the smiling mornings. Forget the snooze button and the systematic morning regime that follows. Forget the claustrophobic nights.

Forget the abuses, the ones we mean and the ones we dont. Forget the shoes. Forget the cooking. Forget the shopping. Forget moving-in day. Forget the countless moving-out night. Forget the past. Forget the missed calls from him. Forget the future. Forget college. Forget the first night at the hotel. And the third one at the hotel.

Forget the badly made tea. Forget the midnight maggi. Forget the naked walks around the house. Forget the super-smell of suji ka halwa. Forget the birthday. Forget the marthon across Vasant Vihar. Forget the belt. Forget the lies. Forget the truth. Forget GTalk. Forget the love. Forget the CLAT. Forget chinese food.

Forget the hate. Forget the ego and the indifference that comes with it. Forget the jokes. Forget the sarcasm. Forget the first time. Forget the last time.

And meet for a cup of coffee.
What if?